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Because sulphuric acid is non volatile and its sulphate ion is not interfering during the titration process while HCl is a volatile substance and its chloride ion interfere in the reaction as a reducing agent.

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Q: Why sulfuric acid is used in Redox titration instead of HCl?
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Difference between acid base titration and redox titration?

Acid base titration involves neutralization reaction between an acid and a base. whereas redox titration involves redox reaction between an oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

What is the function of sulfuric acid in redox titration?

Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) is used in the redox titration process because it provides the H(+) ions necessary for the reaction to occur more quickly whilst the sulphate(-) ions barely react during the reaction.

Why there is a need to warm the solution of sulfuric acid and oxalic acid during redox titration?

Adding heat to a reaction usually speeds up a reaction.

What are the type of conductometric titration?

types of conductometric titration: acid base titration complexometric titration replacement titration redox titration precipitation titration

How do oxalic acid and sulfuric acid differ during titration?

Sulfuric acid has hydrophilic properties when concentrated, so it may have some effect on the reaction taking place. Oxalic acid is an reducing agent, so in titrations - which usually involve some kind of redox - it may begin reacting in ways not intended.

How many tipes of titration?

There are various types of titration. It is dependent on the conditions used and the reactants and desired products. Some of them are acid-base titration, redox titration, colorimetric titration and thermometric titration.

How is oxalic acid vs NaOH titration different from oxalic acid vs potassium permegnate titration?

The former is a acid base neutralisation reaction whereas the latter is a redox reaction.

What are different types of titration?

There are several types of titration techniques, including acid-base titration (determining the concentration of an acid or base), redox titration (determining the concentration of oxidizing or reducing agents), complexometric titration (determining the metal ion concentration using a complexing agent), and precipitation titration (determining the concentration of a dissolved substance by precipitating it).

Why sulfuric acid is used in redox titrations?

Dilute sulfuric acid H2SO4 is an indifferent acid to oxidising substances, while HCl (potential +1.36V) is a reductant and HNO3 (potential +0.96V) is an oxidant.

Why 2N sulphuric acid is used in oxalic acid estimation?

This titration is based on the neutralization reaction between oxalic acid and sulfuric acid; a pH indicator is used.

Why is phosphoric acid used instead of sulfuric acid?

remove surface rust

Where they sell sulperic acid in Calgary?

When in Canada, look for sulfuric acid, instead of superic acid.