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The most important reason to register a trademark is to make sure you own it and that no-one else has that trademark already or you may find yourself getting sued.

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Q: Why should someone register a trademark?
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Related questions

What are the steps to register a trademark?

There are plenty of steps someone would have to follow to register a trademark. As there are too many to name here, one could check out the website USPTO.

Can you copyright a store name?

No, but you can register it as a trademark.

Where do you register your artist name?

trademark office

How do you put a trademark on a business name?

You do not have to register a trademark but you can. If you do not register, you can put a TM or SM next to your trademark name to show that it is your trademark. You should do some research before using the name and claiming a trademark to make sure nobody else is using it. You can register your trademark with the US Patent and Trademark office. See the related link. This offers you extra legal protections such as the ability to bring a court case in federal court due to an infringement, protection from US customs that prevents imports of products using your same trademark, having your trademark documented so that you have proof you used it first, etc.. When you do this you put an R with a circle around it next to your tradmark name.

How do you register trademark in Azerbaijan?

See the link below for instructions and contact information from the Azerbaijan Patent and Trademark office.

How can I buy trademarks or find the trademark agency any country is acceptable?

You can hire someone to design a trade mark or do so yourself. There are certain rules as to what is acceptable as a trademark. Check your government department website for rules. You will then need to register it with the appropriate government department of the country or countries you require. A fee is charged. You can register your trademark internationally to countries that have signed the agreement called the Madrid Protocol at World Intellectual Property Organisation.

What is a regional trademark registration?

Any person or legal organization can register a trademark Registration in Gurgaon. Even overseas individuals or organizations are eligible to register a trademark Registration in Gurgaon. For a business, trademarks are an asset. As a result, registering a trademark is crucial to giving the business a unique identity. You must complete a number of stages in order to register a trademark, and the government must promptly monitor your progress. Here, we'll provide you with a brief overview of Gurgaon's trademark registration procedure.

How can you trademark a slogan?

To trademark a phrase, normally you will first establish that you're using it in commerce (as a business name or slogan, for example). Then register with the trademark office of all countries in which you intend to do business.

Can you copyright your last name?

No, but if you're using it in commerce you could register it as a trademark.

Does the law protect the use of a emblem to identify a product?

If it is registered as a trademark or "logo," it will be protected. If you register it in a state, the protection will extend only to its use in that state. You have to register it with the federal patent and trademark office to protect it nationally and in some countries.

Can you trademark people?

You can trademark your name. Trademarking someone elses name is tricky. Even if the person is dead, they may have family members who can oppose. The trademark process is for protecting the name of your goods and services sold in commerce, so if you do not plan on selling anything attached to your name, you cant get it registered as a trademark. If its an image of a person, like a photograph, you can register it in the copyright office, which would be a Form VA-for visual arts.

To start a DVD would you trademark the name or copyright or both?

Short phrases such as movie titles are not copyrightable. You may register it as a trademark once you are using it in commerce.