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because there might be one we can live on

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Q: Why should scientists should discover more planets?
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Related questions

What invention helped early scientists discover more planets?

The Telescope

How do you scientists explore the moon and planets in the solar system?

Telescopes, Space missions, probes all help scientists discover more about the moon.

Why are scientists there in world?

to discover more new thinmgs or experiment

Will astronomers discover more dwarf planets?

Yes when technologgy improves

Are there no more elements to discover?

There are many more! Just like we always discover new planets, we are always discovering new elements, too.

Why are scientists looking for planets outside the solar system?

to make sure that every one know there are more planets

What can scientists discover by counting the number of craters on a surface?

Scientists can discover the relative age of two objects by counting the number of craters on their surfaces. The longer an object has been in space, the more craters it should have. Comparing the number of craters on two objects in space will determine which is older.

How has the microscope allowed scientists to discover new ideas about science?

microscopes have helped scientists to dicover cells and discover their functions. they have helped scientists examine the anatomy of tiny organisms and insects, and inspect organs of all species more closely.

Will astronauts disover more planets?

I would suppose that the scientist with the super powered telescopes would discover planets before the astronauts would.

What is the investion that helped early scientists discover more bodies in the solar system?

a telescope

What instrument helped early scientists discover more bodies in the solar system?


How many more planets did they discover?

Within our solar system, there are 8 planets, and 4 dwarf planets. There are also over 500 dwarf planets from 2 galaxies that have been discovered orbiting other stars.