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For most people a second sting is not more dangerous than the first. In fact, as most beekeepers will testify, the more stings you have over a period of time, the less you react to them.

However, a very few people build up a hypersensitivity to the venom, much in the same way as the body builds up antibodies to a disease bacteria or virus after the first infection, and the next time they are stung they do have a stronger reaction to the venom.

In most cases, this can be treated, and there has been a lot of success by doctors treating people with very tiny, but gradually increasing, amounts of bee venom for the body to become more used to it.

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Q: Why is your second bee sting more dangerous than your first?
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Why is a second bee sting more dangerous then the first bee sting to a person who is allergic to bee stings?

That's really simple: an allergic reaction is when your body responds excessively to something, making way too many antibodies to counter the antigen. When antibodies are made, Memory B cells are also made. These help identifying the antigen faster the next time. So the next time you're stung by a bee, the Memory B cells recognise the antigen and antibodies are made faster than the first time. There's you're answer, sorry for my English incase I misspelled something, I'm not from America.

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Is killer bee venom deadly?

The sting of the Africanised Honey Bee (Killer bee) is no more potent than another variety of honey bee.What makes them more dangerous is that they are more easily provoked, quick to swarm, attack in greater numbers, and pursue their victims for greater distances.So, it is not deadly in a single sting, but with multiple stings it can be deadly but no more than any other honey bee.Of course, if you're allergic to bee venom, even a single sting could be deadly.