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Because it does not produce carbon dioxide

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Q: Why is wind power considered a clean energy source?
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Does hydroelectric energy pollute?

While a little rust from the turbines is released it is general considered a clean source of power.

What is China's major source of clean energy?

Hydroelectric power is by far the largest source (19.1%) of clean energy in China in 2018. It is planned that wind will surpass hydro as the major clean power source before the end of the year 2020.

Why is hydroelectricity power considered a renewable source of power?

Because you can use water over and over again to make energy.

By-product of wind energy?

Wind energy is a very clean source of energy and there is no by product. It does not produce any harmful greenhouse gases. Wind power consumes no fuel.

Why are nuclear power plants being built in the US now?

Because it is a very clean source of energy that is very powerfull

Is solar power a clean power source?

Yes, solar power is a clean power source. It produces no waste products due to running off of the photoelectric effect.

Are you opposed to nuclear power?

No, nuclear power is a decent source of energy, depending upon the reactor design and siting. Locating reactors over fault lines or near ocean shore lines seems unwise.

Is nuclear power plants are bad for earth?

Not normally. If they melt down, they can cause extreme damage. But generally it is a source of good, clean energy.

Why is wind energy described as clean energy?

Wind energy is considered as clean energy from the view point that wind power plants do not emit in the course of power production pollutants to the environment as carbon oxides, sulfur oxides, ashes, heavy metals, ... etc. However, wind energy is not 100% clean through the full wind power plant cycle length from the manufacturing of wind power plants components; their transport to site, maintenance, ..., until decommissioning.

Is wave energy a renewable source of energy?

Yes, wave energy (hydro-power) is a renewable source of energy.

Is hydro power renewable energy source?

yes, hydro-power is considered a renewable energy source because it is easily gained and easily "re-made". Other Examples of this is biomass, geothermal energy and windpower. non-renewable energy is considered anything that takes a LONG time to make, like millions and billions of years! an example is oil, coal or natural gas.

Does hydro power cause pollutants to the air?

No,because it is a clean energy source and workers on the hover dam make it impossible for the water to even get polluted.