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The sciatic nerve is a large nerver running down into your leg. It is a fairly thick nerve and contains pain receptors as part of the bundle. Often times the nerve will become pinched either between your muscles or between muscle and bone, or in a few cases bone and bone; these are all known as sciatica. Since it provides sensation to your entire leg you will feel the pain from it throughout your entire leg. The intensity of pain is caused because it is an actual nerve being pinched as opposed to just a single receptor. Many people will go to massage therapists, reflexologists, or chiropractors to correct sciatica.

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Sciatica normally refers to the painful or dull tingling, or even a burning sensation, in the leg due to the spinal nerve being pinched and causing problems in the leg.

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Unfortunately it could be sciatica which is a very painful pinched nerve condition.

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Sciatica is caused by inflammation of a nerve, but a pinched nerve can result in the same symptoms.

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Sciatica is a painful condition caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs through the buttocks (a nerve goes through each buttock, or butt cheek) and causes pain from that buttock down the back of the leg (thigh). It is absolutely NOT 'contagious'. It usually develops after a low back injury or strain.

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Pinched nerve .Or sciatica, an inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

What are the symptoms of sciatica pain?

Sciatica pain is caused by the irritation or compression of the sciatica nerve. Symptoms include general back pain, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness and loss of tendon reflexes.