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because there is less atmosphere in the Arctic

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Q: Why is that there is a faster build-up of heat in the Arctic Ocean?
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Does the ocean heat up faster then the air?

no but it also means the ocean will retain the heat for longer

What absorbs heat quick the land or the ocean?

Its land although it also cools off faster then the ocean.

Why the sand on the beach cools down faster than the ocean water?

Sand does not retain heat as easily as water. Therefore, sand cools down faster than the ocean water.

Why is the air cooler near the ocean than it is away from the ocean?

Because water heats slower. So if you were on land it would heat up alot faster than if you were swimming in the ocean.Because water heats slower. So if you were on land it would heat up alot faster than if you were swimming in the ocean.

Why is the antarctic warming faster?

There are several reasons why the Arctic is warming faster than the Antarctic, in fact, faster than the rest of the world:The albedo feedback. White snow and ice reflect the heat, so when they melt, the darker surfaces below absorb more heat.The ocean is never colder than -2°C and when the sea ice melts warmth moves from the ocean into the atmosphere.Global warming is likely to change the circulation patterns in the atmosphere and the oceans, causing more heat to be transferred to the Arctic.The Antarctic is much colder than the Arctic. The coldest temperature in Antarctica is about -80°C, compared to -50°C in the Arctic. So the Arctic warms more easily than the Antarctic.

What does the Arctic willow have on its leaves to keep heat in?

Arctic Willows have

Excessive heat buildup in a tire is caused by?

Low air pressure.

How does heat in the atmosphere move?

An alternate term for A Low Pressure System is literally a vast heat transfer pump; taking tropical heat to the Arctic and arctic cold South.

Why is the surface temperature of the oceans more variable than the water near the ocean floor?

In order for temperature to change the involved heat has to have some place to go. The water at the bottom of the ocean is surrounded by ground and other water that are already at the same temperature. Where can extra heat go to? At the surface the air transports heat up and away so ocean heat can leak out (or in) to the water.

What is mostly melting the Arctic?

Heat from the sun.

Does water heat up faster than milk?

Milk will heat up faster.

How does the ocean absorb heat?

The ocean absorbs heat through the suns rays