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Because the framers of the Constitution wanted to make it difficult to change the Constitution in order to be certain that a strong majority was in favor of the change, and therefore discourage "frivolous" changes.

Answer 2

I think the answer to this question is to draft a Declaration of Independence.

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13y ago

Because even though it is old the Constitution of the United States is the most well thought out document in history. The founders were even smart enough to put in a provision for it to be changed by Amending it. They were also smart enough to know that a mob often wants to change things with no regard to the unintended consequence. By requiring a supermajority, the founding fathers ensured that there would be a debate before any changes were made and that a supermajority would have to agree to the change.

Today many people think the constitution is old fashioned and should be changed or rewritten. But....they are going to need a supermajority to do it.

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i believe well this might be wrong but they need to ratify this amendments to see if is fair enough for the people. i think =)

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13y ago

Because the constitution should not be changed at the whim of any simple majority.

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Q: Why does the constitution require an extraordinary majority for the ratification of the amendments to the constitution?
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Where in the constitution is a three-fourths majority needed?

- Article. V."when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourth of the several states, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one of the other Mode of Radification may be proposed by the Congress;"... so in the ratification of amendments in the constitution

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Ratification of a constitutional amendment.

The second step to amending the constitution Is that an amendment must be approved by?

Amendments to the Constitution may originate from either body of Congress or from a Convention called into creation by two thirds of the state legislatures. Amendments from the former must pass both bodies of Congress with a two thirds majority at which point the Amendment is considered proposed to the states and the ratification process begins. For proposed Amendments to become law three fourths of the states' Legislatures must approve ratification of the Amendment. Currently this requires 38 of the 50 states.The President plays no official role in the passage or rejection of Amendments to the Constitution. The President has no veto power in the process.

What majority of both houses is necessary to propose amendments to the constitution?

two thirds

What is extraordinary majority?

A simple majority is any number over 50%. An extraordinary majority is a higher majority used in special cases, such as the 67% needed to override a U.S. presidential veto or the 75% majority of states that were needed to ratify the U.S. Constitution.

Most amendments to the Constitution have been added by which one what methods?

two thirds majority

Is the constitution has never been amended?

No, not ever. Many say that the Constitution is a "living, breathing" document, but it is not. On the other hand, there is a process through which a certain majority of States can ratify (approve) an addition to the Amendments to the Constitution.

How many states were required to ratify the Constitution to make it a binding document for the new nation?

Ratification needed a 2/3 majority, or 9 states.

What majority in congress is required to introduce a constitutional amendment?

The Constitution states that 'The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution'.

Why did 9 of the 13 states needed to ratify the constitution?

Article VII of the Constitution required it: "The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same."

What government institution may vote on constitutional amendments?

In the US, the legislative branch (Congress) typically votes with a two-thirds majority in both houses to send a proposed constitutional amendment to the states for ratification.