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If you are talking about stock that the company in question has issued, then it is not an asset at all, but rather a component of owner's equity. However, shares of stock in other companies that have been purchased are in fact current assets.

The idea is that if a firms needs to make payments to suppliers, lenders, etc. they can sell stock and turn it to cash immediately. This is typically not the case with fixed assets.

Investments in stocks are highly liquid. Fixed assets are typically depreciated over time (except land) and are not expected to be sold within a year. While some stock investments might end up being longer than 1 year, it is advantageous for firms to classify them as current assets.

Financial analysts usually look at current assets to see how quickly a firm can meet its financial obligations. Lenders like to see firms with substantial current assets - this means that they are liquid.

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Q: Why is stock a current asset on the balance sheet and not a fixed asset?
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