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Meiosis creates haploid cells. Haploid cells are cells which have only half of the complete set of chromosomes. Meiosis is needed for sexual reproduction because both the sperm cell and the egg have to be haploid so that they can combine to form a full genetic sequence.

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Q: Why is meiosis necessary in sexually reproduction organisms?
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What will happen if cell do not undergo meiosis in sexually reproducing organisms?

There will be no reproduction

If meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms?

If meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms, the chromosome number would double in each generation. Sexual reproduction results in new combinations of genetic traits.

What kind of organisms exhibit gametic meiosis?

Organisms that reproduce sexually generally exhibit gametic meiosis. Organisms that reproduce through gametic meiosis are typically humans or even animals.

What process is absolutely necessary for sexual reproduction to occur in a life cycle but is not required for organisms that only reproduce asexually?

Meiosis is needed in sexual reproduction.It is not need in growth,recoveries etc.

WHAT Processes occurs only in organisms that reproduce sexually?

The process of meiosis.

How do sexually reproducing organisms produce gametes from diploid progenitors?

Through Meiosis

Does meiosis occur in all growing organisms?

No, meiosis does not occur in all growing organisms. Meiosis is a specialized form of cell division that occurs in sexually reproducing organisms to produce gametes (eggs and sperm). Organisms that reproduce asexually, such as bacteria and some plants, do not undergo meiosis.

In what types of organisms does meiosis occur?

Animals, plants, some algae, most fungi, and some protists.

Why is meiosis necessary for sexual reproduction?

Meiosis is a special type of cell division. It is necessary for sexual reproduction because it mixes genes between each parents' chromosomes to produce a new chromosome with new genetic combinations.

Why is meiosis a necessary part of the life of any sexual reproducing organism?

Because without meiosis there would be no sexual reproduction.

Whyis mitosis a form of asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is when the resulting cells/organisms are genetically different from the parent cells/organisms. Asexual reproduction is when the resulting cells/organisms are genetically identical to the parent cells/organisms. Mitosis is the division of one nucleus into 2 genetically identical nuclei. Thus, it is asexual reproduction. On the other hand, meiosis results in 4 genetically different daughter cells. Thus, meiosis is an example of sexual reproduction.

Which types of organisms use meiosis strictly for reproduction?

Any kind of animal that is asexual uses meiosis for reproduction. Examples of these are sea sponges, star fish, protozoa, and many more animals.