

Why is it so called bronze age?

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13y ago

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Because, like, the ancient peeps had discovered bronze to be a stronger metal than copper and so bronze saw widespread use before the discovery of raw iron (It was weaker but abundant).

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Why is Bronze age called Bronze age?

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When was bronze first discovered?

At the end of the Copper Age came the Bronze Age and this was then replaced by the Iron Age - so bronze was created at the beginning of the Bronze age when people discovered that if you mixed Tin and Copper you got a harder metal alloy called Bronze. This happened at about 2000 BC or four thousand years ago.

What development marked the end of the Bronze Age?

The development of iron ended the bronze age. The bronze age was calle the bronze age because the main thing used to make tools was bronze, so when they developed iron tools the name changed

Why are no periods of history called the Bronze age?

There are periods in history that are referred to as the Bronze Age, such as the Ancient Near East's Bronze Age (3300-1200 BCE) and the British Isles' Bronze Age (2500-800 BCE). These periods are named after the widespread use of bronze for tools, weapons, and ornaments. However, not all regions or cultures had a distinct period referred to as the "Bronze Age" because the adoption and use of bronze varied across different areas and time periods.

Did the Bronze Age come before the Copper Age?

Yes because bronze is made of copper so copper was around before bronze

What are the houses called in bronze age times?

Round house.

What age is bronze in?

The bronze age.

What is the bronze age named after?

The Iron Age is after the Bronze Age.

The period when civilization began to develop is sometimes called the what?

Bronze Age.