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Insulin, discovered by Fredrick Banting, is a naturally produced hormone. It is created in the pancreas and changes the metabolism rates of sugar. People with Diabetes have problems with the production of natural insulin and must use synthetic medicenes as a replacment.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Insulin is also called as Hypoglycaemic or antidiabetic factor, as it decrease the glucose level in the blood and prevents occurence of diabetes. It is secreated by beta cell of the islets of Langerhans. It perform following functions: stimulate utilisation of glucose as respiratory fuel in body cells. stimulate glycogenesis in muscle and liver cells prevents gluconeogenesis spares amino acids for protein synthesis conversion of excess of glucose into fats prevents formation of ketone bodies in blood as reduce the respiratory breakdown of fats.

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9y ago

The endocrine system of the body manufactures many different hormones, and insulin is one example. Insulin is a hormone made by the beta cells of the pancreas. Almost every cell in the body has special sites on its surface, called receptors, for which insulin is designed to fit. When insulin circulates through the blood and reaches the receptor sites on the surfaces of cells, it creates a complex change in the surface of the cell, opening channels that allow glucose (sugar) and water to flow into the cell. The glucose and water are used for energy within the cell.

Without insulin, glucose and water is unable to be transported into the cell in amounts sufficient to sustain life. Blood glucose levels climb, patients become dehydrated, and after a time, loss of consciousness and death will follow.

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12y ago

regulates the sugar level of blood by converting excess glucose into glycogen, which is stored in the liver and the muscles until needed, enables cells to take in glucose

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13y ago

Basically Insulin regulates the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

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11y ago

Insulin lowers blood sugar. It is secreted by the pancreas and released by the liver, where it circulates in the bloodstream. In the blood, it binds to glucose.

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10y ago

Well, Insulin is a hormone that is like a "door-opener" for the glucose in to the cell, which gives the cell the energy they need

that was how my teacher told me how it worked :)

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11y ago

it is not important.

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Why is insulin so important to the body?

Insulin is important for the body because it helps glucose enter the body's cells. The glucose is then used for energy.

Why is the pancreas important to the human body?

why is the pancreas so important to the human body

Where does insulin in the body happen?

Insulin is produced in your pancreas.

What is endogenous insulin?

It is the insulin produced by your own body

Does body weight increase from insulin injection?

No, body weight does not increase drom an insulin injection.

Why insulin is used?

Insulin is usually made in your body automatically; diabetes is when your body does not make enough insulin. So some people with diabetes have to take insulin to control their blood sugar.

Are there any insulin independent tissues or organs?

Yes, there are insulin-independent tissues or organs in the body. Examples include the brain, liver, and kidney. These organs can uptake and utilize glucose without the presence of insulin. However, insulin is still important for regulating glucose levels in the body and its absence or dysfunction can lead to complications such as diabetes.

Body does not produce or properly use insulin.?

If your body does not produce or properly use insulin you may be diagnosed with Diabetes.

What is the prosses of sugar?

Sugar is called glucose, and when it is ingested, the body causes the pancreas to create insulin. When the brain senses this increase in insulin, it sends signals that say you are less hungry. Sugar (glucose) is an important energy source for the body's cells.

Is glucose a hormone that regulates the body's production of insulin?

No, but insulin is a hormone that regulates the body's production of glucose.

What is the function of insulin and glucogen?

Insulin decrease body glucose level.Glucogon increases body glucose level.

Does insulin have fungi?

No. Insulin is a hormone produced by cells in the body of animals.