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Because it is found deep down in gold mines; it is hard to find. It is also because it is shiny so it is used for jewelery quite often, and so it's expensive because people want to make a profit out of it.

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Q: Why is gold so expensive when it is relatively easy to extract?
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Is gold hard to extract?

It sold we cannot break it easy as we think

Why is iron cheaper than gold to extract?

It's a sort of vicious circle. Gold is expensive so it is much in demand. So gold is extracted from rocks where it forms an ounce or less in every ton of rock - which is expensive! Iron is not so rare and is easier to extract.

Do people use gold?

people use gold because its a un reactive metal {very easy to extract}

Is gold manmade or natural?

Gold is a natural element. It is normally found as a solid metal and is relatively rare and expensive.

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Platinum is more expensive than gold because of the difficulty associated with mining it. Platinum is harder to mine than gold, which means it requires more energy and effort to extract.

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Why is gold so easy to extract?

It is in a metallic state, so mechanical processing can get quite a bit if it is in a nugget form.

How do you extract gold?

By reduction-oxidation reaction you can extract metals, including Gold, from ore.

How do you extract gold from tooth?

you take the gold out of it

How did the minors extract the gold?

by chipping the rock of the gold

Can you extract gold from a digital camera?

yes you can, but it is very expensive to do for just one camera, and you will get at most 2-5 grams of gold. however if you do it on a big scale (think thousands of cameras a day) then its a bit more profitable.

How do you extract gold from mercury?

you dont.