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His foot was swollen up with pus.

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Q: Why is eliezer admitted to the camp hospital in chapter four of Night?
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Related questions

How old was eliezer's sister at the first chapter of night?

Eliezer's sister was around 18 years old at the beginning of the first chapter of "Night."

Why is Eliezer edmitted to the hospital and what dangers face him there in the book Night?

Eliezer is admitted to the hospital in the book "Night" due to an infected foot. Dangers he faces in the hospital include the risk of being selected for the gas chamber, as the Nazis often targeted patients who seemed unfit for work. Additionally, the hospital environment is characterized by brutality and neglect, with little medical care provided to the patients.

What chapter in the book Night is Eliezer's father's name named?

the very end..

What keeps Eliezer going during the brutal march in chapter four of Night?

Eliezer's determination to survive and his desire to stay with his father keep him going during the brutal march in chapter four of Night. Despite the harsh conditions and immense suffering, these factors serve as a source of strength and motivation for him to continue fighting for survival.

What two things did Eilizer have that were valuable in chapter 4 of NIght?

In Chapter 4 of "Night," Eliezer possessed a spoon and a knife that were valuable items as they could be used for survival, bartering, and self-defense in the concentration camp. These items helped Eliezer navigate the harsh realities of camp life and provided a means for him to obtain extra food or protect himself when necessary.

What was chapter 2 a night without stars about?

it was about maria going to the hospital and meeting this girl.

How long do you have to stay in the hospital after having a baby boy?

I was admitted Sunday night, had baby boy Monday night, d/c Wednesday afternoon.

Who is Mr Wiesel in the book the night?

I think it's Eliezer's dad.

Who is Franek in Night?

Franek is Eliezer's foreman at Buna. Franek notices Eliezer's gold tooth and gets a dentist in the camp to pry it out with a rusty spoon.

What are the answers and questions to night Elie Wiesel chapter four?

In Chapter 4 of "Night" by Elie Wiesel, Eliezer and his father are selected for forced labor while his mother and sister are sent to the gas chamber. The main question that emerges is how Elie and his father will survive the harsh conditions of the concentration camp while facing the trauma of losing their loved ones. The chapter highlights the emotional and physical toll of the Holocaust on the prisoners.

What was Eliezer Wiesels physical appearances in the story night?

he was skin and bones abused and starved

What are the differences between Elie Wiesel and Eliezer?

Elie Wiesel was a Holocaust survivor, author, and Nobel laureate known for his memoir "Night." Eliezer is a biblical name that Elie Wiesel shares; Eliezer is also the protagonist's name in Wiesel's memoir "Night."