

Why does communism not work?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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11y ago

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Pure Communism has never been implemented. Karl Marx wrote of actual Communism, yet it has never been used in it's pure form. What most people are familiar with is Stalinism or Leninism, not exactly Marxist Communism. These altered forms often fail because they are more of a Dictatorship than what Marx had originally intended.

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11y ago

To answer this question I will conclude that the Soviet Union is an example of "communism". With this in mind, communism does not work because it denies its citizens freedom of speech. It forbids the existence of other political parties. It rests its economic success on having the means of production controlled by the government. This stifles economic growth. With no competition regarding vital elements in the economy, growth stagnates. With the lack of individual freedoms, it creates its own "enemies of the State".

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Communism (a classless stateless society) has never existed. When introduced, mit will not be inefficient, as it will just involve people co-operating for the common good, without worrying about profit-making, cutting corners or producing cheap and nasty goods.

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11y ago

communism works on paper

but it fails in the real world simply due to human nature

people will always desire something more, the heart is never content

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