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The 911 Call Center is a centralized emergency service that will respond to callers who have (real) emergencies. As people have become more aware of the existence of 911, there have been many publicized cases of abuse of the system by drunk, drugged, ill-informed, or ignorant callers.

Legitimate reasons to call 911

  • you smell smoke in your home or nearby
  • you see smoke in your home or nearby
  • you see a fire in your home or nearby
  • you smell a natural gas leak
  • you've seen or heard an explosion
  • you've seen or heard gunfire
  • you've seen or heard a violent crime taking place now
  • you've heard someone screaming, or screaming for help
  • you witnessed a crime, even if it might be over now
  • you are in danger from another person outside, or in your own home
  • you hear someone break into your house
  • you are hiding from someone who you fear will hurt you
  • you are hiding from a burglar, trespasser, stalker, etc.
  • you arrive home and discover someone has broken in
  • you've been robbed
  • your car has been damaged
  • your possessions have been stolen
  • you've been physically assaulted
  • you've been raped
  • you are physically hurt and need medical attention; your injury or medical condition requires an ambulance
  • you know someone is about to hurt themselves
  • someone is brandishing or threatening with any kind of weapon
  • you want to report information about a crime-in-progress
  • you want to report information about a crime that you believe will take place
  • you become aware you have been given or bought stolen property
  • you want to report someone else's illegal drug use
  • you want to report a drunken person is trying to drive
  • you are in an unsafe situation and need professional help
  • you have been in or have witnessed an accident, with or without people being injured
  • ANY emergency, crime, or unsafe situation I've not mentioned in this list.

People up to 2010 have called 911 for inappropriate requests and have been charged by police. Some examples of these inappropriate calls include:

  • to cry just because you are crying
  • to cry that a boyfriend or girlfriend left you
  • needing a date
  • wanting a ride to (a bar; the mall; etc.)
  • to ask for a ride to go buy drugs
  • to ask for a ride to go to the liquor store, even if you are too drunk to drive yourself
  • to report that a Fast Food restaurant won't give you breakfast items because it is after 11 a.m EST
  • to report that a Fast Food restaurant won't give you an item because the restaurant has run out of that item

Criminals have even tried to seek police help to deal with a situation that occurred as a result of the person's own criminal act, such as:

  • "I gave a guy $20.00 to buy me some weed and he ripped me off."
  • "A friend and I were going to split whatever we stole from cars tonight but he drove off and left me here."
  • "My friend stole a stereo to pay me back a loan, but now he won't give me the stereo."
  • "The lady I just robbed kicked me and punched me, grabbed back the money, then ran away."

Obviously, these are the calls that get televised!

HOWEVER: Even criminals sometimes need legitimate help, such as:

  • The guy who got stuck in the chimney when he tried to enter and burglarize a house.
  • The guy who fell through the roof of a building he was breaking into and is now stuck.
  • A robber whose victim really does hurt the criminal.
  • A car-thief who gets hurt in a car accident, even in a stolen car.
  • A person who has Wants or Warrants but needs police, fire, or rescue.

In these cases, the criminal should swallow their pride and get help - even if it means the person will be held accountable for his or her crimes!

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13y ago
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12y ago

It needed to be a number easy to remember and was not used in any other capacity like area code, prefix etc. Once it was decided, the idea had to be voted on by Congress and it as approved. Many assert that the number 9-1-1 was chosen because it was similar to 2-1-1 (long distance), 4-1-1 (information), and 6-1-1 (repair service) which had already been in use by AT&T since the 1920s.
It's probably becuase emergency services thought is was easy for everyone to remeber in an emergency instead of a long 1-800 number. Also, it might be becuase of 9/11, you never know!

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14y ago

911 is the common US number to reach any emergency service. The same number is used for police, fire or medical emergency.

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11y ago

It is not very well known how exactly came up with the number sequence 911, however AT&T was the first company to initiate it because they saw it as easy to remember and dial.

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11y ago

cuz im black

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10y ago

for what happened on september 11th

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