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Excess-3 code is also known as self complementary, because it can easily be complemented(9's complement) to perform addition in the case of subtraction.

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Q: Why excess 3 code is called self complementary?
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Excess-3 code is known as self complimentary code why?

Excess-3 code is also known as self complementary, because it can easily be complemented(9's complement) to perform addition in the case of subtraction.

What is self complementary code?

If the one's complement of the code is equal to the nine's complement of the code, then it is called a self complementing code.

Is 8421 self complementary code?

Yes , it is a self complementry code but not a weighted code

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Why is 2421 is called self complementary?

9's complement of a decimal number represented in 2421 code is easily obtained by replacing the 1s with 0s,and 0s with 1s,so 2421 code is called a self complementing code.example-2421 of '2' is '0010',after replacing the 0s with 1s and 1s with 0s weget '1101' which is the 2421 of '7'(9s complement of 2 is 7). Thus 2421 code is self complementary.

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What is meant by self complementing binary codes?

a binary code is self complementary if complement of any code word is again a code .in self completing codes 9's complement of a number can be obtained by interchanging 0's and 1's.

What is self-complementary codes?

A self complementing code is one thats 9's complement in decimal is the 1's complement in binary.Ex: The 9's complement of 7 is 2 in decimal. In 2421 code, and .

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it's your assignment do it by your self.

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you would be called a funny bone look it up your self lazy

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yesExcess- 3,2421,5211,642-3,84-2-1 self-complementing code