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Yes, life can be unfair. However, if you look at the chances of success in each category, you will feel better. I would guess that you are more than 10 times more likely of succeeding in finding a good job when you have a college degree from an accredited institution than when you have only secondary education, especially during an economic downturn, when employers can afford to be more selective of whom to hire. You are also more likely of keeping the good job when you have an advanced education -- a lot of jobs need continuous learning/learning and fundamental knowledge to acquire new knowledge. A few executives have been fired or demoted for exaggerating the education in their resumes, meaning jobs normally require certain academic credentials.

Besides, what is the definition of a good job? pay? office environment? flexible hours? good benefits? understanding management? As long as you are happy at your job, you are learning, and your pay can support your family, the job is good for you. It is relative.


The problem is that many people phrase this question as "Why can't 'my kind of' people get a good job?" often this is a selective observation as you are interested in "my kind of people"

Many folks are having difficulty finding any work due to the recession and outsourcing of local work to larger partner organizations that can more efficiently handle the work for several companies at once.

To find work you have to:

  • know your skills (what you can offer an employer)
  • know your wants (where do you want to work, for what salary, doing what)
  • know what you'll put up with to get in the door to have a better chance at in house job opportunites
  • be prepared to work at getting a job for eight hours a day every day
  • know good job search skils - not just reading the want ads or sending off resumes
  • develop contacts who can help you
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Q: Why educated people get good job and also uneducated people get good job?
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