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he believes the weak are on earth to give the strong pleasure

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Q: Why does zaroff not consider his sport immoral in The Most Dangerous Game?
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'doesn't Zaroff consider his sport immoral because he?

no, he doesnt consider his sport immoral.

Who are the characters in the most dangerous game and what are there roles?

The main characters in "The Most Dangerous Game" are Sanger Rainsford, a skilled hunter who becomes the prey, and General Zaroff, a Russian aristocrat who hunts humans for sport on his private island. Rainsford must outwit Zaroff in a deadly game of survival.

What is an example of irony in the most dangerous game?

One example of irony in "The Most Dangerous Game" is when General Zaroff, who hunts humans for sport, ends up becoming the hunted himself by the protagonist, Rainsford. This is ironic because Zaroff, who considers himself the ultimate hunter, becomes the prey in the end.

What is the personality of zaroff in The Most Dangerous Game?

General Zaroff is depicted as a sophisticated and cunning aristocrat. He is intelligent, arrogant, and devious, with a passion for hunting that borders on obsession. Zaroff is a skilled manipulator who uses his charm and wit to lure victims to his secluded island in order to hunt them for sport.

How do their ideas about hunting bring general zaroff and rainsford into conflict?

General Zaroff believes in hunting humans for sport, viewing them as the ultimate prey that can provide a more thrilling challenge. On the other hand, Rainsford, initially a big game hunter himself, is appalled by Zaroff's idea and considers it immoral. This fundamental difference in their beliefs about hunting and the value of human life leads to conflict between them.

Why did Zaroff wanted to hunt Rainsford when he first saw him?

He does that for a sport.

What is ironic about Zaroff's statement We do or best to preserve the amenities of civilization here in The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell?

Civilized people do not hunt other humans for fun/sport.

What is the screaming that Rainsford hears at the beginning of Most Dangerous Game?

The screaming Rainsford hears at the beginning of "The Most Dangerous Game" is the sound of General Zaroff hunting a human in the jungle. Zaroff is a skilled hunter who has grown bored of hunting traditional prey and has turned to hunting humans for sport.

What evidence in the story demonstrates that Zaroff is prejudicedhow does this influence our opinion of him?

Zaroff's belief that he is superior to other humans and his desire to hunt them for sport demonstrates his prejudice. This prejudice influences our opinion of him by portraying him as a morally corrupt and dangerous individual who values his own pleasure above the lives of others.

How does Rainsford's attitude toward hunting compare with Zaroff's?

Rainsford takes hunting as a sport and for fun but zaroff takes it as the only reason to live

How does Connell portray General Zaroff as a civilized savage Please use three examples?

Connell portrays General Zaroff as a civilized savage by showing his sophisticated and aristocratic manners despite his cruel and immoral actions. This is evident when Zaroff engages in refined conversation with Rainsford while casually discussing hunting human beings. Additionally, Zaroff demonstrates his love for art and culture in his luxurious home, contrasting with his barbaric behavior of hunting humans for sport. Finally, Zaroff's adherence to a twisted sense of honor, such as giving his prey a head start before the hunt, showcases his complex and contradictory nature as a civilized man with savage instincts.

What are the four plot for the most dangerous game?

The four main plot points in "The Most Dangerous Game" are: Rainsford falling off a ship and finding his way to Ship-Trap Island, meeting General Zaroff who hunts humans for sport, Rainsford becoming the hunted and needing to outwit Zaroff to survive, and Rainsford ultimately defeating Zaroff in a final confrontation.