

Why does your veins show more during pregnancies?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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because you have more blood going through you and its pumping faster to get to baby.

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Q: Why does your veins show more during pregnancies?
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Is it true that when a horse is pregnant their veins show?

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Most pregnancies do not begin to show until 5 months or later. It also depends on how big the woman was before hand. Thinner girls tend to show earlier.

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Because not everyone is born with identical muscle and vein grouping, it's really just genetics, be happy with the veins that do show:)

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Well sorta, if you eat alot of sugar it will make/help your veins show more, but doesnt make you any more muscular (:

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To clarify: We boiled alcohol with a leaf and tested for starch with iodine (present in the veins), We also covered a leaf with tin foil and came back the next day. The leaf was more green in the veins and more discolored farther away from the veins. This lab was suppose to show us glucose is made by the leaf, but all it proves is that starch is in the veins, right?

When do pregnant women typically start showing?

Every woman and every pregnancy is different. First time pregnancies usually take longer to show than repeat pregnancies. Some women can show as early as 10-12 weeks while others show in the teens and others the 20's. Some women never really show at all.

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Guinea pigs pregnancies last for 10weeks

Why are the veins in their arms so large in bodybuilders?

Everyone has veins. Everyone has big and small. The reason some have bigger than others is the fact that genetics is strange. And also they have so little fat on their bodies that their veins seem to be bigger. Thats why sir.

Why is the color of blood is always red in color?

Blood is always red (NEVER blue) because of hemoglobin, the main factor in blood's color. Deoxygenated hemoglobin is dark red, while oxygen enriched hemoglobin is more cherry red. The common misconception that deoxygenated blood in your veins is blue stems from textbooks that show arteries in red and veins in blue for simplicity. Also, your veins appear blue through your skin because of a variety of reasons only weakly dependent on the color of the blood. Light scattering in the skin, and the visual processing of color play roles as well. If arteries were near the skin surface, they would appear blue as well. Cameras inserted in veins during medical procedures clearly show that blood in veins is red, and when drawing blood from veins in a way that doesn't expose it to the air, it is clearly a dark red color and not blue.

Can you tell when you two weeks pregnant?

I really think that depends on the person and if you have had a pregnancy in the past. People who are more in tune with their bodies and have had previous pregnancies might know they are pregnant before it will show up on a test.

When does a pregnancy show if it is not your first?

Every woman is different, but usually you would show earlier than your first. It also depends on how close the pregnancies were. The closer they are together, typically the sooner you would show.