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The only reason the pool would turn green would be if the Baquacil is not entirely out of the pool and it reacts with the Chlorine.

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Q: Why does your pool turn green now that you switched from baquacil to chlorine?
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How do you measure the chlorine in a baquacil pool?

You do not measure the Chlorine in a Baquacil pool because they are incompatible.

You currently have an above ground pool using a Baquacil not chlorine based system Can you convert this system to salt without problems?

You first have to convert the pool to a chlorine system As a salt water system is a chlorine system.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of baquicil?

I have been using Baquacil for 18 years in an in-ground pool. I used chlorine in an above ground pool prior. The cost difference is obvious. Starting off new, Baquacil is very expensive. As the years go on, the cost of the sanitizer drops dramatically because of the baquacil buildup in the water. You dont have the chlorine smell and the eye burning. I recommend washing the baquacil from your hair since the hair tends to get heavy after swimming. Foaming is also a problem with baquacil. I still prefer baquacil and intend to use it after I install a new liner next year.

Do you have more algae when using baquacil vs chlorine?

No. Actually it is more common to acquire algae in a Chlorine pool. The Baquacil Performance Algaecide is the strongest algaecide they make and very effective against killing algae. Maintaining the Oxidizer and Sanitizer readings do a great job of preventing algae where with a CL pool, in hot temps as soon as the CL reading drops below 1 the pool starts to turn green and the floors and walls feel slimy.

How do you switch from Baquacil to chlorine without draining the pool?

If you read the directions from baquacil you will find that yes you can indeed change from baquacil to chlorine. It is extremely important that you use up all the baquacil product and eliminate it from your pool prior to adding the chlorine. I have successful changed over two different systems and chlorine is much less expensive.

Can you use cholorine in a baquacil pool?

Baquacil and Chlorine are not compatible and if added will turn the water green and throw off all of the other readings. The product that can be used to fix this is called Baquacil Chlorine Neutralizer. You also have to change the sand in your pump, or it will gum up

What is baquacil oxidizer used for?

"Shocking" a baquacil pool. It is a non-chlorine Oxidizer used to help maintain good water clarity by oxidizing organtic compounds in the water from swimmer and other enviornmental debris.

How do you remove stains from a gunite pool after converting to chlorine from baquacil?

Keep the acid content too high for a while and a lit of staining will tend to get bleached out.

Where can you buy Baquacil?

Baquacil pool care systems try following the link below

How do you convert from baquacil to chlorine if algae is present in the pool?

To get rid of algae in a Baquacil pool, the best thing to use is the Performance Algaecide. The algae will actually get worse if converting because you have to wait until the Baqua reading is at zero before converting which could take at least several days because the Oxidizer is designed to last for an entire month. I can send you instructions by e-mail re converting from baquacil to chlorine and/or the saline system. E-mail me. What is your email address?

Foam in a baquacil pool?

Foam in a pool that uses Baquacil can have a leak in return hose. It can also be the result of putting too much product in the pool. You should check the chemical levels in the pool.

What is the best non chlorine pool cleaner?

Our kids have sensitive skin (eczema and such), so we switched to Baquacil. We love it. It's easy to use and test. No alergies from it. fyi...If you switch from a chlorine pool to baquacil, you have to replace the sand in your pump..or it will gum up.