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Anything which is part of the normal landscape or sky (trees, hills, birds,clouds, planes) usually looks smaller when they're near the horizon. The reason for this is simple: stuff near the horizon is generally more distant. Just take trees in the landscape, or a road disappearing in the distance as an example. Because of this our brain knows and expects that objects at or near the horizon appear particularly small compared to their true life size.

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9y ago
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14y ago

It isn't bigger. It only seems to be. It's an optical illusion.

It isn't bigger. It only seems to be. It's an optical illusion.

It isn't bigger. It only seems to be. It's an optical illusion.

It isn't bigger. It only seems to be. It's an optical illusion.

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14y ago

It isn't bigger. It only seems to be. It's an optical illusion.

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10y ago

A ray dur stupid!

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Q: Why does the sun appear larger at dawn and at sunset?
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What is the difference between dawn and sunset?

Dawn is when the sun is coming up, sunset is when the sun is going down

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They are not supposed to eat while the sun is up (from dawn until sunset).

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At that time there is a lot more atmosphere between you and the sun than when the sun is overhead.

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The lower the sun is in the sky, the longer your shadow will appear on the ground before you. Therefore, a sunny dawn or just before sunset is the time of day for long shadows.

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The sun appears larger from the Earth. The reason is that the Earth is closer to the sun.

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Because Venus, along with Mercury, are inner planets it never appears too far from the sun. In fact Venus never strays more than 47 degrees from the sun. That makes it always appear in the western sky after sunset or in the morning sky in the east at dawn, and that's where our crescent moons always appear.

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Atmospheric refraction makes the Sun appear higher than it really is.

How long will the sunrise and sunset take if the sun were a red giant?

Sunrise and sunset may take longer if the sun were a red giant due to its larger size. The sun's expansion into a red giant would cause Earth to be engulfed, so the concept of sunrise and sunset would be moot.

Why stars appear slightly above the horizon?

the sun is at sunset that way so the horizon is a bit dark

Does the sun set into the sea?

No, the sun does not technically set into the sea. The Earth revolves around the sun which makes the sun appear to set into the sea especially when you are watching a sunset at the beach.

Why does sun appear flat during sunrise and sunset?

The sun rays have to travel through a larger atmospheric distance. Most of the blue light and shorter wave lengths are removed by scattering . Only red colour,which is least scatterd is received by our eyes and appear to come from sun .Hence the appearance of sun at sunset or sunrise looks almost flat .lovenish

Why sun is seen even after sun set?

The Sun is usually not seen after sunset, which is why it is called sunset. There is still light visible from the sun. However ther are certain atmospheric conditions that may make it appear as though one sees the sun after setting, but this would be concidered a reflection of sorts.