

Why does the ocean need coral?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Fish need it for food, the soil needs it for clean-up, and plants need it for filtering soil.

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Where does coral have babies?

coral have babies in the ocean.

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Coral animals live in coral in the ocean.

Do coral reefs live in the Atlantic ocean?

yes coral lives in atlantic ocean

Can you see coral under the ocean?

If you wear goggles or something else then yes you can coral under the ocean.

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Coral polyps are animals, not plants.

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The Coral Sea is part of the Pacific Ocean, near the Phillipine Islands.

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A coral atoll is a large ring of coral that extends up to the ocean's surface and higher.

Is Pacific Ocean an ecosystem?

No, coral reefs in the ocean are ecosystem

Can coral reefs live at the bottom of the ocean?

It depends on how deep the bottom is. Coral can only survive in relatively shallow water, so most of the ocean floor is coral free.