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Our heart pumps blood around our body because... when we breath in oxygen it travels down our windpipe and into our lungs where it flows into our blood stream which the heart pumps round and to our muscles with are supplied with the oxygen which it needs to keep going! few, its a long story!

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Q: Why does the heart pump blood around pour body?
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the transporational system help our body at many way with the help of veins heart arteries capileries which is found in our body nd it do different2 work in our body system as the vein nd arteries take a pour nd unpour blood from our body nd the circulation of the blood system is proceed with the help of that the cappeleries is pipe like structure where the blood cross nd give pour blood nd take unpour blood nd change it into a pour form.this pross is going on in a heart it part 2 arteris nd 2 veins one part ios coming where the veins contain a pour blood is pulmonary veins nd pulmonary arteries where they change there form so the circultry system do transporation in our body at this way.

How can deoxygented blood reach to heart?

De oxygenated blood enters the heart through the superior and inferior vena cavas. The blood enters the right atrium. It is then pumped into the right ventricle. There is a valve known as the tricuspid valve that separates these two chambers. The blood is then pumped from the right ventricle into the pulmonary arteries. These arteries carry the blood to the lungs.

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Why is there no increase in diastolic pressure after exercise?

Diastole is a stage in which the heart is completely relaxed in order for blood to pour into the heart's atria (upper chambers). Although the rate at which the blood enters the heart increases (causing a slight increase in pressure), there is no contraction for the pressure to increase drastically.

Thank you for the heart in french?

Thank you = merci for = pour (in this case) the = le (in this case) heart = coeur Thank you for the heart = Merci pour le coeur

How do you clean your blood?

Pour Coke on it.

Who recorded pour your little heart out?

The Drifters

How many times does the bible mention pour out your heart?

Ooops - EditIn the King James versionthe phrase - pour out your heart - appears oncePsa 62:8 Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

How do christians prepare to pray?

They open their mouth, and pour out their heart.

How do you say for your body in french?

Pour ton corps (casual) Pour votre corps (polite)

How circulation take place in human heart with animation?

1)first muscles of atria are relaxed & they receive the blood.a)Right atrium-from all parts of body-by superior & inferior venacava b)Left atrium-from lungs-by pulmonary veins.2)The atria contract 7 pour blood into respective ventricles.Right ventricle is filled with deoxygenated blood 7 left ventricle is filled with oxygenated blood.3)Now both ventricles contract 7 pump out the blood.a)Right ventricle-to lungs-by pulmonary artery b)Left ventricle-to all parts of body-by aorta 4)Again the deoxygenated blood enters right part & after oxygenation it enters the left part of the heart So blood goes through the heart twice during each cycle . This is known as Double circulation.

What is French for 'a rose for your heart'?

une rose pour ton coeur