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Napoleon sends Boxer to the slaughter house instead of the hospital because he doesn't want to spend money on something he doesn't think is needed, like treating Boxer. He figures that Boxer will never fully recover so he is useless to the farm, so he sends him away to the slaughter house to be killed. Hope this helped :)

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Because he doesn't want to spend money on saving an animal that can no longer work. By sending Boxer to the knackers he got his alcohol in return. So really, it just benefited Napoleon.

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11y ago

Boxer was sent to the knacker because Napoleon didn't want to have to pay to try to save an animal that couldn't work.

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Because he wants Boxer to be slaughtered.

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Q: Why did napoleon send boxer to the knacker instead of the hospital?
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What is the symbolism in sending Boxer to the Knacker?

The sending of Boxer to the Knacker is a symbol of loyal workers mistreated by government.

What is happening to boxer in Animal Farm?

boxer was their motivation for work and he kept all their spirits up while working with his quote ' i will work harder'. and he reassured the animals that 'napoleon was always right' I'm so cool. and Winchester is the best ^^lolol, course you are and course it is.:LL

What is boxer like in Animal Farm?

Boxer is a very hard worker. His two slogans are, " I will work harder" and " Napoleon is all ways right" He died because of old age and Napoleon send him to a slaughterer but he tells the animals that he has gone to a expensive hospital.

How do you use knacker in a sentence?

When his horse got too old to pull the cart he was going to fetch the knacker for it but I offered him a fair price and put old Boxer out to grass and a well earned retirement.

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Napoleon's motive for betraying boxer was to remove a potential threat. The animals rallied around boxer if his opinion would change against Napoleon he would loose some of his control of the farm.

How does squealer claim boxer spent his last hours?

had actually jumped to the conclusion that Boxer was being sent to the knacker's. It was almost unbelievable, said Squealer, that any animal could be so stupid. Surely, he cried indignantly, whisking his tail and skipping from side to side, surely they knew their beloved Leader, Comrade Napoleon, better than that? But the explanation was really very simple. The van had previously been the property of the knacker, and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had not yet painted the old name out. That was how the mistake had arisen.

Why is boxer so important to napoleon's success?

Boxer is very important to Napoleon's success because no other animal on the farm works harder than Boxer. He is also the most dedicated and loyal worker.

Why does napoleon try to have boxer killed?

because he wants to...

Which animals were executed in Animal Farm?

Boxer, the horse, was wounded. He worked himself so hard that he injured his lungs. He also hurt one of his hoofs. Clover fixed his hoof but Napoleon sold Boxer to the knacker after he injured his lungs. There were several animals that were killed. Snowball was injured in the Battle of the Cowshed.

Who said you will work harder and Napoleon is always right?


What injury does boxer sustain in the book animal farm?

He had been working too long and Napoleon thought he was useless to retire so early so he killed boxer

In animal farm who did boxer blame for the executions what was his solution?

Boxer's tow mottos are: "Napoleon is always right!" and "I will work harder."