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Wilson assumed that who ever was driving the yellow car was Myrtle's affair and the one who killed her. He believed Gatsby was the one who did it because Tom told him that Gatsby was the owner of the yellow car.

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14y ago
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12y ago

After finding the expensive dog collar which Tom bought Myrtle, Wilson becomes aware that Myrtle is having an affair. He knows it must be a wealthy man, but does not know who. After Myrtles death he searches for the man, and stops by at Toms house. Tom then tells Wilson that it was Gatsby who killed her, and Wilson naturally combines these pieces of information and concludes that Gatsby had the affair with Myrtle and then killed her deliberately when he was finished with her. Of course Daisy was driving the car, not Gatsby, but neither Tom nor Wilson was aware of this.

So in short, Tom allowed Wilson to believe that Gatsby had an affair with Myrtle.

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1mo ago

Wilson assumes that Gatsby was driving the car that struck and killed Myrtle because he finds Gatsby's personal items in the car, including a monogrammed handkerchief. Additionally, Tom Buchanan tells Wilson that the yellow car involved in the accident belongs to Gatsby, not Tom himself.

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9y ago

Because Daisy hit Myrtle (George Wilson's wife) whilst driving Gatsby's car, and Tom told George (Wilson) that Gatsby owned the yellow car that everyone was describing so George thought that Gatsby had killed his wife as well as had an affair with her, which was in fact false as Daisy killed Myrtle and Tom had an affair with Myrtle.

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There is no "champ" in the Great Gatsby movie. You are retarted and obvioulsy deaf or you would know this by just watching the movie. Watch the movie again.

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