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It gives you a deeper understanding of the language through its history, development etc.

There are many rules one cannot explain without taking the history of the word/language into consideration.

Language represents the history of its nation. They are so closely linked together that learning/teaching the language without knowing its foundation is just impossible, or at least insufficient.

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Q: Why do you think the study of linguistics is important to you as user and teacher of language?
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Why do you think the study of linguistics is important to you as a user and teacher of language?

because when you understand it you can seem more... sophisticated.

Why is language the study of linguistics?

The science of language. Linguistics does not involve learning language after language. This is a common misconception.

What do linguist study?

Linguistics is the scientific study of human language so a linguist is a person who specializes in linguistics

Linguistics is the scientific study of language?

Yes. Modern linguistics is the study of the structure of human language from a scientific approach.

How does language differ from linguistic?

Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Linguistics is the study of language form (grammar), language meaning, and language in context. A language is a specific system of form/meaning

What does a linguist study?

Linguists study linguistics, which is the science of language. Some linguists study child language acquisition, while others study the effects of a language on culture. There are many different fields within linguistics.

How does linguistics from traditional grammar?

Traditional grammar teaches a language while linguistics explains the nature of a language. Linguistics is a study of a language while traditional grammar is the teaching of a language.

What does linguistic study?

Linguists study linguistics, which is the science of language. Some linguists study child language acquisition, while others study the effects of a language on culture. There are many different fields within linguistics.

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What is the relationship between stylistics linguistics and literary criticism?

Linguistics is the study of the language, literary criticism is the study of literature, and stylistics is study of literature from a linguistics perspective, so it connects linguistics and literary criticism.

What is macrolinguistics?

Macro-linguistics is the study of language and the cultural and behavioral features associated with the language. Macro-linguistics study meanings and how the language and meaning function within social systems.