

Why do you need a bath?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Every day, the skin sheds hundreds of dead skin cells. Many fall off because we wear clothing; but many more cling to the skin. Bathing removes the excess dead skin cells. Without bathing, the dead skin cells continue forming from underneath the top layer but the bottom layer can't drop off as they normall do. The bottom and top layer form a bond. Not even lotions penetrate that bond. If that area remains unwashed, the next layer forms, always from the bottom, at skin level. Each dead skin layer attaches and builds on the new layer beneath, until there is a large patch of dry, dead skin.

Dry, dead skin can cause itching, burning, and pain. Our skin needs moisture, both from what we drink and water on our skin. Without moisture, the dead skin continues to dry out more. Eventually top layers on a patchy dry area will "flake off", like having dandruff on the scalp, but this flaking can be on the hands, arms, legs, feet, belly, etc.

Further, any skin fold can become irritated, especially between the legs (privates) or under the belly if a person is large. Skin folds can get irritated, get red, the skin can break open and bleed. Men can get skin irritation on the scrotum which could break the skin and bleed. In females, the nipples can crust -- develop a layer of dead skin that hurts, burns, and crusts on and around the nipple.


All people have normal flora on the skin. Flora is bacteria. When we don't wash regularly, flora begins to multiply, becoming skin infections. It can also make sweat smell worse.


Additionally, humans sweat to varying degrees. Most sweat causes odor because the liquid mixes with bacteria on the skin. Bad sweat odors is a social hazard, besides a health issue. People avoid people who smell.


Because sweat breeds bacteria, humans can smell very bad without bathing. Besides sweat odors, humans have urine and feces odors, normal vaginal discharge odors, odor from pre-ejaculate and ejaculate for men, etc. Each of these areas also have normal bacteria that multiply and cause smelly odors if the skin / areas remain unwashed.

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