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You are entitled to a free credit report once every twelve months. To order yours, go here:

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Q: Why do you have to pay for a credit report?
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Related questions

If you pay off an old debt no longer on your credit report will it be placed back on the credit report?

Yes it can. You should agree to pay it only if there is an agreement to not report it to the credit reporting agencies.

If a friend refuses to pay a debt and you don't want to sue but want to report it so it appears on his credit report how can you do that and will a collection agency file such a claim?

Not without suing. It's a credit report. You are not a creditor. If you sued and got a jugdment and she didn't pay then that would be on the credit report

Can you pay a fine to get a judgment removed from your credit report?

No, judgments remain on a credit report for seven years. Some types of judgments are renewable and therefore can remain on a report an indefinite amount of time. If you are willing to pay a fine, why not just pay the judgment?

If a credit card company says you owe them money but it is not on your credit report do you have to pay?

If it isn't on your credit report, the credit card company still has hopes of you paying it off. When they see that isn't going to happen, you can bet your butt that it WILL be on your credit report.

Do you have to pay a bill that's not on my credit report statement?


How can you remove delinquent utility bills from your credit report?

You can only remove bills if you pay them or if the bills are listed incorrectly on your credit report. It is best to pay them off and then the bills will not be listed as delinquent.

How do you make creditors quit calling for repayment of debts that are not on your credit report?

Just because a debt doesn't show up on your credit report does not mean that you don't have to pay it. Pay what is due and get on with life.

Never Pay For A Credit History Report?

Never pay for a credit history report. It is now possible to obtain a free credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies once a year. Be smart and request a free report from each agency every four months so that you can stay current year round. Also, if you ever apply for credit and are turned down, you may request a free credit report from the credit reporting agency the credit check was obtained from. Credit reporting agencies also offer reports during their free trial memberships. Simply cancel your membership before you are obligated to pay anything.

How will taking a car back to buy here pay here affect credit when they do not report anyway?

If they don't report, then you don't have to worry about it affecting your credit.

How do you fix your authorized credit report?

Pay off your debts or wait til they fall off your report (it should say how long they will remain on there). Then get a credit card and pay it off in full each month. That will make your credit improve dramatically.

How long does a lien remain on a credit report?

untill you pay it off

How can you fix your credit when you are broke?

By definition, you have 'bad credit' if you pay your debts late or fail to pay them altogether. Therefore, if you have bad credit due to debts, or late payments, and you have no money, there is no way for you to repair your bad credit. But sometimes bad credit can be due to errors on your credit report. If this is the case, obtain a copy of your credit report, notify the credit reporting agency of the errors, and they will check into their accuracy and remove them from your credit report if they find that they are indeed truly errors.