

Why are wolves territorial?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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They hunt live prey

Well, wolves are predators, just as much as any lion, puma, or crocadile. But if you are talking about someones tendancy to consider a wolf a vicious pest, it is sort of understandable. When you see wolves on TV, in movies, in Fairy Tales, a lot of the time you get to see their aggressive side; thus painting the picture of a downright mean animal. But even though wolves can look nasty, it is only nature's way of surviving. They are not out to kill people, or each other, they are only functioning the way they have for decades... so they can survive. But, wolves do often get in trouble for attacking sheep, goats, cattle, and the like. Now this is a real problem for the farmers. It is obvious that a wolf is not out to cause trouble; they think they are doing the smart thing by attacking the weakest animal. So now, wolves and people will sadly be enemies. I hope that in the future we can work out a way to keep wolves hunting their own food. Wolves are forced to kill livestock they have the right to do so, farmers have come into their territory.

So the answer to your question is, yes.

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12y ago

Wolves are territorial because they don't want anybody on their territory that they don't know because the intruder could start fights and attack. Also, they don't like anyone stealing their hunt and food. If a wolf was a pregnant mother, she'd be extra territorial to protect her pups.

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Wolves surround their prey to make it easier to take down. When they do this, their prey has no way to escape and the wolf gets an easy meal

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The Human Re: Outside of humans it would be Hornets, Ants, Hippos, Wolves and Mountain Lions. As for the least territorial that would be penguins that don't even compete (except for mates but thats not in a violant way thats usually who has more rocks, who sounds better or who is bigger).

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Wolves survive by living and hunting in packs. They cover their large territory in search of food, and they use their howls to let other packs know their territorial bounds.

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Many animals fight over their territory. Jaguars, dogs, leopards, lions, and skunks are just a few animals that are territorial.

Why happens if one wolf pack sees. Another?

Wolves are territorial, so two packs meeting would result in a fight. The resident pack will try to drive away the interloper pack.

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Wolves are very territorial and live in packs , the alpha male will have his pack of females and babies but he does not want to be overthrown by another wolf so he protects his territory and word off any other males looking to take over the pack and territory.Hope this helps :) x