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Because lower Frequencies are for long range whereas higher frquecies such as microwave go much shorter distances such as line of sight but can carry more information due to the complexity of the waveform. Do a search for spectrum management and im sure you can find what you are looking for. I just think of a radio wave as the least complex because it is a low frequency and has lots of power behind it to broadcast to a big audience by blanketing a large surface whereas a satellite is a small complex antenna that discharges a high frequecy burst from point to point but can carry alot more information.

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Q: Why do waves of very low frequency follow the Earth's surface?
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The wave that can travel through earth and along earths surface is a SEISMIC wave.

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L waves are formed when P&S waves reach the surface.

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L waves are formed when P&S waves reach the surface.

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Surface Waves?

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