

Best Answer

Many reasons:

Putting too much exertions on weak muscles

working out or lifting wrong

heavier: therefore more strain on muscles

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Q: Why do skeletal muscles tire quickly during execise?
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Which type of muscles tires quickly during exercise?

Skeletal Muscles

Which organ does the blood flow through?

There are multiple organs: The brain, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, skeletal muscles, and skeletal muscles during excercise.

What muscles do you control when exercising?

Skeletal muscles can be consciously controlled during exercise, whereas cardiac and smooth muscles cannot be consciously controlled.

Can you please tell me what skeletal muscles contracted during sleeping?

The diaphragm and intercostals for breathing

What type of muscle tires quickly during exercise?

skeletal muscle

Which generalization concerning movement by skeletal muscles is not true?

During contraction the two articulating bones move equally

How do Skeletal muscles work when you are asleep explain?

the brain has 2 powerful systems work together to paralyze skeletal muscles during rapid eye movement sleep according to reaserch scientist may have better understanding

How does the skeletal system come under pressure during exercise?

Though the skeletal does come under pressure during exercise, the movements are beneficial for strengthening the muscles and bones. Exercise also enhances flexibility.

How does skeletal muscle change during exercise?

Once you start to exercise, your body has to make sure that the muscles that are now working much harder receive the oxygen and fuel they need to keep contracting. The various body systems must begin to work faster and harder to meet this extra demand. The muscles start to work harder, requiring more oxygen and producing more carbon dioxide, which needs to be removed

What type of muscle tires quickly during exercise smooth or skeletal?

Skeletal. Definitely. Skeletal Muscle moves bone whereas smooth muscle is found in organs and other parts of the body (stomach, veins, arteries, etc.)

Why are skeletal muscle cells multinucleated?

The number of cells depends on how large the muscle is; muscles consist of fiber bundles, which are made up of myofibrils. A sarcomere is one of the segments that the myofibril is divided into. In each fiber bundle there are multinucleate cells, which can extend the length of the skeletal muscle. So, the number of cells in a skeletal muscle depends on the size of the muscle. for example, the number of cells in one of our triceps larger than one of the small muscles in a finger.

Would skeletal muscles experience a decreased blood flow during exercise?

I could be wrong but, I think it would decrease your blood flow