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The nodding of its head is typically a warning sign to you or other would be threats. It is a natural reaction when they are excited, agitated or trying to defend themselves or their turf. It is also used when they become sexually excited during mating as well. But I dont think you have anything to worry about there....

Iguanas use head bobbing for different meanings

Rapid head bob or called the shudder is a very bad sign meaning he will fight or guarding his territory. A very slow head bob is a mating bob

There are others that can be a greeting i have heard

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Q: Why do iguanas shake there heads up and down when you get close to them or when another iguana gets close?
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How can you tell if your iguana is a male or a female?

Telling the sex of a young iguana is very difficult and it is hard to determine whether they is male or female until they reach about two years of age. One of the easiest ways to find the sex of a juvenile iguana is to look between the thighs for enlarged pores or scales called "femoral pores". Males tend to have large femoral pores, so large that they can even protrude from the skin, so they can grip tightly onto the female during the mating season. Another feature that is prominent in males is found near the vent area. Some males develop lumps or bumps near the vent, called "hemipenal bulges". These are part of the males reproductive organ, so are not present in the female. The head can also give a clue as to the sex of the juvenile or adult iguana. The heads of the male tend to be squarer and larger, with larger jowls, than that of the female. Yet another tell-tale sign of the sex is that female become gravid and will lay eggs. Males on the other hand will become more aggressive when adult hood approaches and will also grow larger than the female. Males also have a much larger appetite and will tend to eat much more than the females. If the iguana is at least a year old, you can usually tell the sex of the iguana. If you look at the femoral pores on the thighs of the iguana, the pores will look larger and will look white on a male. They use the pores to mark their territory during breeding season. A female will have much smaller pores. Males have larger dewlaps and jowls (cheeks and beards). Males have bumps on their back legs called femoral pores which are much harder to see in females. If its a baby though, you may not be able to see these differences. If you really need to know the best option is to take the iguana to a vet who will be able to tell you for sure. I can tell pretty positively once they are about 2 years old but much younger than that and its not for sure. Also the spiny crest on the iguanas back is moderately larger for a male.

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blemishes and zits pimples black heads white heads

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Go close to them and click on their head.

By the end of the 21 century mankind will be close to extinction?

Thanks for the heads-up.

What did the Egyptians do to get ready for bed?

They would rest their heads on their stone blocks then close their eyes.

Will cylinder heads from a 2000 corvette fit a 1990 gmc 350?

NO, Not even close.

How do you get all the manicans head popped of on Nuke down Black Ops?

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