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Most humans choose to cook their food because it prevents them from getting certain illnesses however not all illness/diseases from your food. For example most people choose to cook their food for a couple of reasons; because they like it and think it tastes better that way and/or because it kills a majority of the bad bacterias if you are at a high enough temperature. However not all things need to be cooked and when people are down to the life or death choices for example: they can't cook it or make a fire or something, ect. they will most likely take the risk and eat it to survive while others may not eat it and unfortunately die or starvation or malnourishment. Cooking food also breaks down the food to make the nutrients more easily absorbed by the digestive system. Example: Eating uncooked wheat would result in almost no nutritional benefit.

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Q: Why do humans cook their food?
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Why do humans cook food?

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Humans began to cook because long long ago there was no food so they had to find grass,plants and water to make something to eat that's why they began to cook ok :) every1 knows that if u don't u r lozers :p lol!!!!!!!! just jokeing lol!!!!! i love Justen bieber!!!!!!!!! lol:p

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To serve the food, the cook might place it on a plate.