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they contain sugars ( lactose ) which undergo oxidation on keeping at room temperature, also called fermentation.

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Because all dairy products come from an animal, the product comes through the animal for instance milk comes from a cows' utter. The cow contains bacteria which transfers to the product.

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Q: Why are microorganisms able to cause dairy products to sour?
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What happens when a person is short on lactase?

They won't be able to fully digest dairy products.

Will a doctor be able to to tell one which dairy products are best for them?

A doctor will be able to tell a person what the recommended dairy products are. And suggest ones that may be more beneficial than others. A doctor should be able to tell you which ones will not make you sick because of your blood type.

What food limitations should older children and adults who have a lactose intolerance adhere to?

For some, a small glass of milk will not cause problems, while others may be able to handle ice cream or aged cheeses such as cheddar or Swiss, but not other dairy products.

What is the need of refrigeration?

Refrigeration is important or food such as meat and dairy products would go off and become unedible. Also you won't be able to run you AC.

Can you become allergic from eating too much cheese?

It depends on if you are sensitive to them or not. Being lactose intolerant, I have learned what my "dairy limit" is. If I drink a glass of milk, have a bowl of ice cream, or eat something covered in cheese, there will be some painful, embarrassing problems in about four hours. However, I am able to tolerate low amounts of lactose, such as small amounts of chocolate or a cookie. The amounts of lactose that each LI person can tolerate, however, will vary with the severity of their intolerance. People allergic to dairy products will experience symptoms similar to an allergic reaction to a bee sting or dog hair- their throat will close up, or grow hives. However, if you are perfectly fine digesting dairy products, then drink/eat away! Too much dairy never hurt anyone (at least anyone with tolerance).

Why would a child not be able to eat egg whites if he is simply lactose intolerant?

Lactose intolerance is an intolerance to dairy products only, not eggs. The child could be allergic to eggs.

Does dairy cause joint pain?

No. Smoking causes lung cancer , Skin Disease, and teeth to rot, but there is no sign of it being able to cause joint pain.

What carbohydrates is found in dairy?

firstly dairy products are a low source of carbs they are predomantly protein and moderate fat. products such as yoghurt and milk also contain calcium to aid bone growth and strength. inconclusion to this, dairy is not a good source of carbs

What cows are dairy cows?

Dairy Cows are cows that can produce enough milk too be able to be milked.The following list is of some Dairy Cow breeds: (the most common breed is Holstein)AyrshireBrown SwissBusaCanadienneDairy ShorthornDutch BeltedEstonian RedFriesianGirolandoGuernseyHolsteinIllawarraIrish MoiledJerseyKerryLinebackMeuse Rhine IsselMilking DevonMontbéliardeNormandeNorwegian RedRandallSahiwal

Why microorganisms hard to see in wet preparation?

In a wet mount the microorganisms are hard to see because they blend in with their surroundings or the liquid they are grown in. An example of this would be in a hay broth where the water is cloudy and the microorganisms are transparent. However, if the microorganisms are being viewed as a stained preparation they will stand out and you will be able to see their size and shape much easier.

Dairy farm milk is it homonize or paturize?

paturized I'm not entirely sure what this question is asking, but if the question is, "Is milk pasteurized or homogenized on the farm or at the dairy?", then the answer is -- at the dairy. Only the largest of dairy farms, the ones that include their own dairy, would be able to perform either of these processes.

What are the health benefits of Dannon Activia products?

Dannon Activia claims their yoghurt is able to help digestive transit, however, these claims resulted in a lawsuit after which the company had to remove these claims and the yellow arrow indicating a downward movement of food from their products after such benefits could not be proven. Nonetheless, regularly eating dairy products in general can be beneficial for hair, teeth and nails, although these benefits are not exclusive to Dannon Activia products.