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Cells undergo mitosis to replace dead cells. If there is/are cell(s) absent in any part of the body, mitosis occurs to replace the missing cell(s). So basically, if an organism is able to keep all its cells from being harmed in any way, mitosis will never be required as no cell will need replacement.


Cells undergo meiosis to form gametes (sex cells). These cells are able to fuse with the opposite gamete in order to fertilize and create offsprings. If meiosis did not occur, the continuity of any species that reproduced sexually would be in jeopardy. Because meiosis occurs and gametes form, individuals become fertile and are able to produce offsprings in order to continue their species.

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Q: Why do cells go through reproduction or mitosis?
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Why does your body go through mitosis?

Your body does not go through mitosis, but rather your cells do. The cells in your body go through mitosis to reproduce. This is how non-sex cells, or somatic cells make more of themselves. Sex cells do not go through mitosis, but instead go through meosis.

What cells in your body does not go through mitosis?

Most cells do not go through mitosis and are what you call to be in G0 Phase. This is when the cell ONLY does its normal functions and do not try to replicate itself (unless big damage is done to an organ). These cells will go to G1 phase when it is necessary to do cell division.

What kind of cells go through mitosis somatic cells or gametes?

Somatic cells undergo mitosis.

What is mitosis involved in?

Nearly all eukaryotic cells go through mitosis to divide. Being more specific: in humans, somatic (body) cells go through mitosis.

What cells go through mitosis?

nerve cells and sex cells

What cells in the body do not got through Mitosis?

Gametes sperms and eggs do not go through mitosis.

Which cell is in the in between phase of mitosis?

In meiosis (one kind of cycle for cellular reproduction) only sex cells, which are also known as gametes, are involved. Meiosis occurs only in plants, animals, humans and fungi. In mitosis ( another kind of cycle for cellular reproduction). The big difference is that reproduction is done asexually. It involves every kind of cells except for sex cells I(female egg cells/ male sperm cells).

What kind of cells does division take place in?

if by division you mean mitosis then all cells except sex cells go through mitosis. Sex cells go through meiosis. Mitosis is basically the process of a cell splitting into 2 daughter cells.

Do all cells go through mitosis?

All cells in the human body go through mitosis except, the gametes. The gametes are the sex cells and they go through a process called meiosis.

What cells do not continually go through mitosis?

Red Blood Cells.

When do you use mitosis?

All cells in your body are constantly going through mitosis. Mitosis is the division of cells to make an exact replica of itself. Mainly your cells go through mitosis if a cell dies or gets injured.

What living cell does not go through mitosis?

1st answer) i think all cells go through mitosis the process of cell division 2nd answer) Mostly all cells go through mitosis, but sex or reproductive cells go through meiosis instead.