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they trap and digest insects because they need to survive so they eat insects and so that us people dont get bitten by so many insects .

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Q: Why do meat eating plants trap insects because they cannot make their own food?
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Are insectivores carnivores?

Yes! If they eat insects in a way they are carnivores because they are eating meat. You can't say they're eating something that's alive as plants are alive and then herbivores would become carnivores which isn't reality.

How is nitrogen obtained by animals?

.They get it from eating plants.

Why do animals depend on plants?

plants depend on animals for pollination and seed dispersal.insectivorous plants depend on insects for their food.

Which animal is there most of in the world?

There are more insects than any other animals in the world.I'm guessing insects. After all this research, there are still undiscovered insects. It is not plants because plants are decreasing with global warming (esp. trees). However, the human population is increasing. I also know that particles are the most in this world, because everything is made up of those particles. Really there isn't a real answer to this question but I guess you could say particles, humans or insects.

What will happen to animals if all plants vanish and vice verse?

If all plants vanish from the planet, then there will be no food for plant eating animals and they will die of hunger and the animal eating animals (Carnivorous.) die as they will not have plant eating animals to eat. Also Carbon bi oxide will go on increasing and Oxygen go on decreasing, as animals will respire to produce it and plants are are not there to convert it back to Oxygen. Vise verse if all animals vanish from the earth, then Plants will not get the Carbon bi oxide, required for photosynthesis and they will also die of starvation, as they also need food for there growth and respiration.

Related questions

Are stick insects important?

they are important because they balance the animal kingdom by eating plants

Why insects eating plants they need to eat plants?

Some plants feed on insects and other small animals because the soil they grow in is very poor. They gain additional nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous from the insects and animals they consume.

What could be eating jalapeno peppers?

Birds and insects usually cannot taste "spicy" and can eat all sorts of plants without the heat affecting them.

Are catterpillars useful insects?

no the will kill all your plants by eating them.

What are ladybugs good for?

They are good for eating insects that can damage plants

What advantages do insect-eating plants have over those that cannot eat insects?

On advantage to being an insect that only eats plants is the fact that you don't have to hunt your food supply. Insects that have to look for food may have a terrible time getting their prey.

How have plants and plant eating insects coevolved?

Because insect eat plants, some plants evolved in response into poisonous or carnivorous species.Coevolution is just used to describe an organism that evolves in response to another.

What is eating your plants in the greenhouse?

Possibly insects or to much fertillizer is burning them up.

What kind of animal that helps farmers by eating insects harmful to plants?

A Ladybird

How are decreasing grass and plant life connected to insect population?

It is connected because the insects are eating the grass and plants which makes the plant population decrease.

What is a insectivores plant?

These are plants which eats insects that lands on them.

What is eating all your plants?

Depending on where you live, different animals or insects can be eating your plants. Most of the time it is insects which can be resolved using pesticides, though this method is not environmentally friendly. Other animals such as squirrels or birds can also eat plants and fruit. This can be solved with using plant covers (netting).