

Why do cactus have flowers?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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13y ago

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A cactus has branches to increase its chances of reproducing. Flowers grow on the tops of cactus parts. That's where the growth buds are located. For example, the giant saguaro cactus [Carnegiea gigantea] matures to a height of 40 feet/12 meters. At around the age of 40+ years, it begins to branch. It's at that time, and on the branch and stem tops, that flowers may appear. Pollinated flowers produce fruit, which contains seeds. The seeds drop naturally to the ground, where they germinate. Or they're eliminated by the digestive tracts of predators. In this case, the seed tends to be spread over a far wider area than that in which the seed producing cactus is located.

In the case of low growing plants, such as the octopus cactus [Stenocereus alamosensis], the branches give the plant yet another means of reproducing. The branches have the possibility of rooting in the soil over which they're bent. This makes it possible for the octopus cactus to take over the space in which it already is located. Combined with seed dispersal, this ensures the survival of the species within its particular niche of the desert environment, and in other niches.

Additionally, branching arms the balance to the cactus plant. They also increase the amount of internal storage space for water and watery products and solutions.

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13y ago

All plants have flowers. The flower is the plant's sex organ, which is used to release and receive pollen. The pollen is used by the plant to produce seeds, which produce new plants.

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Cactus flowers tend not to be long blooming. Some cactus plants have night flowering blooms. Others have day flowering blossoms. Either way, the flowers need to be pollinated. Once pollinated, the flowers wither and develop the ovary. From the ovary develops the fruit, which produces cactus seeds. The seeds may be used by the cactus to feed the available wildlife and to reproduce.

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no y would u give them a cactus

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No, not all cactus es grow flowers.

What are the properties of a cactus flower?

Cactus are native to the Americas, ranging from Patagonia in the south to parts of western Canada in the north. They are often found in drought-ridden areas. Spines and areoles give rise to flowers, which are usually tubular and multi-petaled. Cactus flowers usually have many stamens, but only a single style, which may branch at the end into more than one stigma.

When a iguana eats all the flowers of a cactus will limit the ability of the cactus to?

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