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It's a sign of respect equivalent to a snappy salute or a coutly bow, and indicates to the lady that she is worthy of the gentleman's respect and attention as a social equal .

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Q: Why do European men click their heels when being introduced to a lady?
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Why does the guard click their heels when they turn at the tomb of the unknown soldier?

going back t the nineteeth century soldies would click their heels as a sign of respect to an equal

How do you get this Pokémon?

Click your heels together three times and say "Bubbanush!"

In The Wizard of Oz what does Dorothy do to finally return to Kansas?

Click her heels

How do you transport with magic?

click your heels and say theres no place like (destination)

What does the tar heels mascot look like?

A Dodge ramm Click on the 'Tar Heels Mascot' link below to read the history of the mascot and see a picture.

The answer to heads over heels is 4502?

4502 is the answer I know it in click play time 6

Who did Jonathan Swift satirize the conflict between using high heels and low heels?

by highheels and lowheel issue Jonathan swift satirizes Whigs and Tories, wher higheels being Tories and low heels being Whigs ,

How do you summon ghost in a castle?

jump up and down 3 times and click your heels together

What does close to one's heels mean?

Your heels are the back parts of your feet - close to the backs of your feet. Normally used when one is being chased down. i.e. The police were close on his heels.

What does the name Jake mean?

Hebrew for "being held by the heels"

What insperd leanrdo da vinci to invent high heels?

He liked being taller and he said that women looked good in high heels.

Why is the expression head over heels versus heels over head?

The phrase emerged in the 14th century as "heels over head", which is more literally accurate, as "head over heels" is the more standard state of being. "Heels over head" evolved into "head over heels" in common use departing its literal meaning, probably for reasons of phrasal elegance.