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France felt that The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend. Any damage or inconvenience to the United Kingdom was worth a few million dollars worth of artillery, shot and shells, gunpowder and muskets given to the Continental Army as military assistance.

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11y ago

Since The War Was Lost The French And Indian War, in Which France Lost It's North American Colonies. The French Hoped To Take Revenge On the British By Helping the Americans. So In 1776, France Began Giving Secret Aid To The Americans ~

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Because they can

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Q: Why did the French become Allies with the Americans in the Revolutionary War?
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Why did the French not support the Americans until after Saragota?

They did. But they did not advertise their efforts and only become Allies after the British defeat at Saratoga.

Following the French and Indian War did the British and Americans become close allies?

At the time, Americans were British! They were British colonists! Of course they were allies! The British colonists in America wanted French land and Great Britain wanted to take over the fur trade in North America.

Why was the American victory at the battle battle of Saratoga significant?

France decided to help the Americans

Following the French and Indian War the British and Americans became close allies.?


What is the difference between an alliance and a treaty?

An alliance is where you become allied with someone and a treaty is either the attempt to become an ally or the attempt to stop war. Example: The French were America's allies. Example: The Americans made a treaty to resolve the war with England.

What was the signifiance of the American victory at the battle of saratoga?

it convinced the french to become the American's allies

What battle persuaded France to become an American ally during the french revolutionary war?


How did Americans react to the french revolution?

After hearing about the French Revolution, Americans began to celebrate and become extremely enthusiastic. They thought that they had inspired the French to go through with the French Revolution after they gained their independence from Britain.

How did the French and Indian war lead to the Revolutionary War'?

After the French and Indian War was concluded, British soldiers remained in America, and taxes were imposed on Americans to defer the cost of the war. As the taxes were not exorbitant, I think it was the presence of the British soldiers which made many Americans believe they had become more American than British, and they should be a separate country.

Why did the french become your first allies?

because they helped us with the war and wanted to get Britain up the butt

Were the Americans successful in obtaiing there goals in the revolutionary war?

the americans were the success ful part of the american revolutin because they helped so manty people become free from britian

Was the League of Nations useful?

Yes. It made the Native Americans join together to become allies in trading, war, and daily living