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Because wegner didnt have proof to show what caused mountains.

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Q: Why did scientists argue against Wegners continental drift hypothesis?
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Why did scientists argue against Wegener's continental drift hypothesis?

Because he didnt have enough "scientific" eviedence

Once you have your hypothesis what must you do next?

Test your hypothesis against the data

List ways hypothesis can be supported?

A hypothesis can be supported by checking it against your research to see if it is true, checking it against research done by others, and testing your hypothesis rapidity.

What should you do immediately after forming your hypothesis?

Test your hypothesis against the available data

What was the main counterargument against wegners evidence?

1 counterarguement.... there was no drift because all is just as it was created. This theory works under the premise of creationism which disregards all evidence of Evolution OR If you are asking for argument were used against the theory of continental drift; it was rejected because there was no mechanism known that could cause continents to drift. It was revived when the theory of plate tectonics provided this mechanism.

What is a hypothesis for how many numbers can you remember?

A statistical hypothesis is anything that can be tested against observations. So the hypothesis can be that you can remember two numbers.

Why is a theory more accepted than hypothesis?

A theory is a hypothesis which has been tested (against "reality").

Where is there a continental continental boundary on earth?

The Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau are formed by a continental-continental boundary where the Indian continental plate is moving north against the Eurasian continental plate.

What are the continental?

An army established by the Continental Congress to fight against Great Britain.

The continental system called for this action against british ports what was this called?

The Continental System called for an embargo against British trade.

What is the liberation hypothesis?

Liberation hypothesis is hypothesis impliying that when the strength of the evidence against a defendant is weak, jurors are free to rely on nonlegal information to inform their decision.

What do scientists design to test a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation. Basically, it's an educated guess to a question. Testing a hypothesis is the only way to prove this statement correct or incorrect. A scientist conducts an experiement, using constants and variables, and draws conclusions against the hypothesis. This will prove it to be true or untrue.