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While many people thought Prohibition was a good idea (drys), there were also many, especially in the northern and northeastern cities, that did not favor Prohibition (wets). Organized crime took advantage of that fact and made fortunes supplying illegal liquor to a "thirsty" public. Liquor was smuggled into the nation, illegal distilleries and breweries were set up, and theft of industrial and medicinal alcohol were commonplace. As the leaders of organized crime became richer and richer, they were able to bribe officials to look the other way, pay off the police to not raid the speakeasies, and influence elections of politicians who would not spend too much time fighting crime. They also used the money to venture into other areas of profit, like gambling and prostitution.

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Q: Had there been prohibition would organized crime have grown so it did?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of membership in an organized crime group?

Any advantage would be temporary, membership in organized crime never ends well.

Why was prohibition brought in in America?

Because some people felt that it would decrease crime and accidents.

How might life in the 1920s have been different without Prohibition?

Honestly, Prohibition was quite ineffective in its cause, in fact it did the opposite of what the Temperance Crusaders hoped for (believing it would protect families, women, and children from the effects of alcohol abuse). The 18th Amendment was ratified and in place to eliminate the sale and use of (drinking) alcohol. However, Prohibition didn't even come close to doing so. Instead, organized crime (robbery, bootlegging, murder, etc.) increased due to the outlawing of alcohol. Not to mention that increased efforts to enforce Prohibition simply resulted in the government spending more money, rather than less. The economic cost of Prohibition became especially pronounced during the Great Depression, and eventually in 1933 state conventions ratified the twenty first (21st) amendment which repealed the prohibition of alcohol. Therefore, the only thing that would have been different without prohibition would be less organized crime and more money in the government.

How would repealing Prohibition help the US economy?

It would lower the crime rate and create a better economic climate

What is organised crime?

Some departments or agencies have an unit dedicated to combatting organized crime. Examples would be departments like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Police Department, and so forth. Organized crime is exactly what it sounds like. Crime that is executed in an organized fashion, or by an organized group. La Cosa Nostra (Italian Mafia) is an example of an organized group that commits crimes, thus they're under constant investigation by Organized Crime Units. Organized Crime can also be instituted into legal organizations (any company ever), and may involve financial crimes like embezzlement and money laundering.

What is organised crime police?

Some departments or agencies have an unit dedicated to combatting organized crime. Examples would be departments like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Police Department, and so forth. Organized crime is exactly what it sounds like. Crime that is executed in an organized fashion, or by an organized group. La Cosa Nostra (Italian Mafia) is an example of an organized group that commits crimes, thus they're under constant investigation by Organized Crime Units. Organized Crime can also be instituted into legal organizations (any company ever), and may involve financial crimes like embezzlement and money laundering.

What effects did prohibition have on lawlessness and crime?

Prohibition in the United States led to a rise in organized crime as illegal organizations, such as bootleggers and speakeasies, emerged to supply alcohol. Gang violence increased, and lawlessness became more prevalent as individuals disregarded the ban on alcohol. The prohibition era also saw the corruption of law enforcement officials who were bribed to look the other way or actively participate in the illegal alcohol trade.

What would be the purpose of the Women's Christian Temperence Union?

The main purpose of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was the prohibition of alcohol.

What word would Robert Merton use to characterize organized crime members?

Robert Merton might use the term "deviant" to characterize organized crime members, as their actions go against societal norms and laws.

What was one result of prohibition during the 1920s?

"Concern over excessive alcohol consumption" in America began in the Colonial era, and later, the "temperance" movement sought to reduce alcohol intake. Essentially, it had been brewing in the US for 60 years before it came into law.

Would it be legal to confiscate asset from an organized crime member's family if it can be proven that these assets were obtained by illegal enterprises?


Why was there prohibition in America in 1920?

Prohibition was imposed in the US because a large number of people were hopeful that the experiment would benefit society and there were well organized pressure groups such as the Anti-Saloon League and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union that aggressively promoted it.