

Why did leif erikson go on an exploration?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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He was searching for new lands to colonize.

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Q: Why did leif erikson go on an exploration?
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No. The age of exploration came centuries after Leif died.

Leif Erikson's reason for exploration?

Fame and fortune.

What did Leif Erikson need for the exploration?

leif erikson needed a ship. his friend sold it to him. he was his own sponser...that means he provided the money for him to go and explore. he provided food and water on there exploration with a crew of 14 and his best friens ''thyker.''

What did Leif Erikson do after exploration?

leif ericson became the leader of Greenland when his father died

What role did leif erikson have on exploration?

He lead a group of Vikings, who became the first Europeans to land in America.

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North America.

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why did leif erikson decide to go this new land

How long did it take Leif Ericcson to sail to Newfoundland?

How long did leif erikson exploration take? It took at least 36-48 hours

Is there school on leif erikson day?

Yes, But in St Lucie County between 2008 and 2011, in public schools, They do not go to school on leif erikson day.

What did Leif Erikson do after he explored Vinland?

Leif Erikson sailed back to Greenland to tell his dad.

What year did Leif Erikson go on his journey?

In the year 1002 or 1003.

What was the name of Leif Erikson's mother?

Mrs. Erikson :)