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he was addicted

Dr, Jekyll was investigating the phenomena that the drug produces, namely removing all goodness from a person, leaving only evil. At first he kept taking the drug to move from one condition to the other. Then later the evil condition always exerted itself without the need for the drug so he had to take it to keep himself in normal condition.

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The potion didn't work on Jekyll because it had become ineffective due to inconsistencies in the ingredients and the lack of control over the transformation process. Additionally, Jekyll's ongoing internal struggle between his dual identities caused instability in the potion's effects, ultimately leading to his inability to control the transformation.

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Where was Dr. Jekyll when he first drank the potion?

Doctor Jekyll at home when he drank potion. Then shortly after he died.

Why does Edward Hyde drinks the potion to transform back into Henry Jekyll?

Because that's the way the transformations work.

Why does Edward Hyde drink the potion?

Edward Hyde drinks the potion to transform back into his original form of Dr. Jekyll. Dr. Jekyll created the potion to separate his evil desires into Hyde so that he could indulge in them without consequences.

Does dr jekyll use drugs?

no he do not use drugs only potion

Was it an accident that Dr. Jekyll came across the potion?

What Dr. Jekyll thought was the active ingredient to his potion turned out not to be so. It was the unidentified impurity that was the active ingredient. And as Mr. Hyde killed their supplier they couldn't rediscover what the impurity was.

1 at the beginning of the novel Dr. Jekyll is in total control of Mr. Hyde yet at the end of the novel Mr. Hyde is in control of Dr. Jekyll show how this reversal came about?

the potion drank by dr jekyll released the evil inside of him taking control of him and when the potion came about to an end the evil would fully have taken over dr jekyll turning him into the mudereous mr hyde

What was the symbol for life as described in the passage the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

In "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," the symbol for life is often represented by the potion that Dr. Jekyll concocts to transform into Mr. Hyde. This potion allows Jekyll to live out his hidden desires without consequences, giving him a new lease on life that ultimately leads to his downfall.

How does jekyll feel when he drinks the potion for the first time?

After drinking the potion for the first time, Jekyll experiences a sense of exhilaration and liberation as he transforms into his alter ego, Mr. Hyde. He feels a rush of newfound power and freedom from the constraints of his own identity.

Where was Dr. Jekyll when he first trandformed into Mr. Hyde without drinking the potion?

Dr. Jekyll transformed into Mr. Hyde for the first time while in his laboratory, without drinking the potion. This event was triggered by his inner turmoil and the repression of his darker impulses.

How does dr. Jekyll feel after drinking the potion for the first time?

Dr. Jekyll feels a sense of liberation and euphoria after drinking the potion for the first time. He experiences a surge of energy and a newfound sense of freedom from his inhibitions and societal constraints.

Where was Dr. Jekyll when he first transformed into Mr Hyde without drinking the potion?

in his bed

Why does Dr. Jekyll turn into Mr. Hyde in regent's park?

In "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr. Jekyll transforms into Mr. Hyde after drinking a potion he created to separate his good and evil selves. Regent's Park is just one of the settings where the transformation takes place, symbolizing the struggle between the two sides of Jekyll's personality.