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He probably didn't. To explain, his main objective was not to offer knowledge of an event, but to satirize the McCathyists' hunt for communist in Congress. The Salem panic fit his purpose. Also, the sheer number of inaccuracies about the trials in the play suggests he didn't care enough about the trials themselves to do much research.

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Q: Why did arthur miller have a interest in Salem witch trails?
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The correct way to phrase the question is "How is the Crucible related to the Salem Witch Trials." More important and/or older event first. The Crucible is a play that mangles facts and theories about the trials to create an allegory to 1950s McCarthyism.

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That would be "The Crucible". Written in 1953 by Arthur Miller.

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Arthur Miller thought about how people can be accused of things without proof. He compared the Salem Witch Trials to himself and others being accused of being communist traitors.