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because they where different and because his what Germany for German people and no one else if you have other information people use WikiAnswers research button which is easy to use and no hassle

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Q: Why did Adolf Hitler kill people during the Holocaust?
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Who was the leader who ordered people into concentration camps and ordered them to be murdered during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler

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How did adolf Hitler get his power during the Holocaust?

he just retained the power that he had before the Holocaust.

What is Adolf Hitler's current city during the Holocaust?

There is no current city: The holocaust is over.

Who was important in the holocaust?

Adolf Hitler and Jewish people

Who were the important or possibly famous people during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler Himmler, Heydrich, Goering, Hoess.

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Adolf Hitler killed millions of people in the Holocaust

The leader of Germany during the time of the Holocaust was named?

Adolf Hitler

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Who was the major nazi leader during the Holocaust?

The leader was Adolf Hitler.

How did adolf Hitler effect Mexico during the Holocaust?

Jews migrated to Mexico to escape Hitler

What did Adolf Hitler whant to do?

adolf Hitler wanted to rid the world of the Jews who he believed were the scum of the earth, during the holocaust Hitler killed many Jews.