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Because he felt like painting it. Why else?

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Q: Why did Salvador Dali paint 'Landscape with Butterflies?
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Where is Salvador Dali's painting 'Landscape with Butterflies' located?

It is in a private collection.

When was salvador dali's painting 'landscape with butterflies' painted and used what media?


What time period was 'Landscape with Butterflies' by Salvador Dali painted?

It was painted in 1956.

Where is Landscape with Butterflies located?

ther lanscape with butterflies is located in Dali combridge

In which style of art did Salvador Dali paint?

He was a surrealist.

What did Salvador Dali paint?

His dreams or dreamlike pictures.

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When did Salvador Dali paint the Dentist?

It was painted in 1978

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When did salvador Dali paint scream?

he didn't, Munch did in 1893 way before Dali

What kind of paint did Salvador Dali use to paint Gala's Christ?

Oil paint.

Who made the watch of Salvador Dali?

One of Salvador Dali's most famous paintings is "The Persistence of Memory," which shows several watches melting in a surreal landscape.