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Gatsby has become very close friends with Nick sharing his most intimate secrets. It is no surprise that Nick stands up and takes care of Gatsby just as he knows Gatsby would have done for him; but in truth and fact, it was Nick he trusted more than anyone else. He was like family. And the guest, the only most important guest is Gatsby's poor father.

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1mo ago

Nick organizes Gatsby's funeral because he is Gatsby's only true friend and the person closest to him at the time of his death. Gatsby did not have any family or close associates, so Nick takes it upon himself to give Gatsby a proper send-off.

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13y ago

Nick takes care of Gatsby's funeral because he believes that he is responsible due to the fact that nobody else is interested "with that intense personal interest to which everyone has some vague right at the end". He believes that Gatsby deserves someone's sincere care, and because no one else seems to, Nick takes it upon himself to insure that Gatsby has the interest he is entitled to.

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9y ago

Nick assumed responsibility for Gatsby's funeral arrangements because no one else would. Nick also felt responsible for Gatsby's death and wanted to try to make amends.

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11y ago

Nick wants Gatsby's funeral to be important. He wants valued people there, such as "Owl-eyes".

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13y ago

because no one else was interested

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Q: Why is Nick in charge of arranging Gatsby's funeral?
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Who attends to gatsbys funeral?

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Nick wants Gatsby's funeral to be important. He wants valued people there, such as "Owl-eyes".

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In "The Great Gatsby," only Nick Carraway, Gatsby's father, Owl Eyes, a few servants, and a minister attend Gatsby's funeral. All the characters who frequented Gatsby's lavish parties during his lifetime abandon him in death.

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Who attended gatsby's funeral?

Only a handful of people attended Gatsby's funeral: Nick Carraway, Owl Eyes, Gatsby's father, a few servants, and Gatsby's friend, Meyer Wolfsheim. Most of Gatsby's supposed friends and acquaintances did not attend, showing the superficial nature of their relationships with him.

Who attends to Gratby funeral?

no one but nick

In The Great Gatsby what did Nick do for Gatsby's funeral?

Nick tried to get Gatsby's friends to attend the funeral, but most did not show up. He also reached out to Gatsby's father and took care of organizing the funeral arrangements. Despite his efforts, only a few people attended the funeral, showcasing the loneliness and isolation that Gatsby experienced in his life.

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Nick is suggesting that being invited to Gatsby's party is rare, exclusive, and a mark of privilege. It implies that Gatsby is selective about his guest list and that Nick is part of a select group of people deemed worthy of attending.

How Gatsby's murder is handled?

Nick Carraway took care of Gatsby's funeral.