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Hitler knew that the Soviet Union troops were entering into Germany and were heading close to his bunker in Berlin. Hitler was told that he should try to escape, Hitler rejected because he heard rumors that if the Russians caught him they would put him in a big cage and drag him around like an animal. Hitler decided that committing suicide would spare him the humiliation. So he asked Eva Braun to marry him and asked her to commit suicide. Eva agreed because she thought that she couldn't live without Hitler, So Hitler and Eva took sleeping pills and Hitler also shot himself. In Hitler's will he ordered his body be cremated and barried well so that the Russians couldn't get him.

Hitler ordered Eva to kill herself. so the others would not get her as well because she would be in troble to.

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Q: Why did Hitler kill himself and order Eva Braun to take poison?
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There is no concrete evidence of any known descendants of Adolf Hitler being alive today. Hitler and his wife, Eva Braun, did not have any children. In order to ensure the complete destruction of the Hitler bloodline, Hitler's remaining relatives changed their last names or agreed not to have children.

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Nicholas Braun appears in the 2002, 'Surveillance' episode of Law and Order SVU.

Did Hitler kill people himself?

Actually, yes.Joseph Goebbels and his wife were so shocked and saddened by Hitler's death that the next day they poisoned their six young children, he shot his wife, and then shot himself.Hermann Goering tried to escape but was captured by the Allies and was put on trial at Nuremberg. He was found guilty and sentenced to be executed- however, he managed to poison himself before he was hanged.Heinrich Himmler also tried to escape capture, but like Goering, was captured. He poisoned himself soon after he was arrested.Many other mid-to-high level Nazis committed suicide by various means in order to escape justice at the hands of the Allied Powers. The above are a few of the most prominent leaders who committed suicide.

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We know that because no written orders were recorded, in fact the closest we have to a written order for the extermination of the Jews did not come from Hitler himself, but from Goering.

Where can replacement parts for the Braun 5000 be located?

One can get replacement parts for the Braun 5000 at a variety of places. One can order the parts online from Braun, Amazon, Electric Shaver Service, eBay, and many other websites.

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What wall? Hitler did not order a wall to be built, that was at the beginning of the Cold War, long after Hitler was dead.

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In order to answer the question ''Who did Hitler kill in his family?'' one has to include his involvement and influence on ''members of his family'' who have died as a direct result of him. Most would know of the story of Ewa Braun in the bunker in May 1945, she became Hitler's wife just hours before both of them committed suicide as the Third Reich collapsed around them. Prior to their own suicides Hitler had tested the effectiveness of the poison 'cyanide' on his loyal dog, an Alsatian name Blondie who was also considered a member of ''his family''. A lesser well known incident is that of a previous relationship involving a family member and Hitler. Prior to Hitler becoming Chancellor and then Fuhrer of Germany in the 1930's he was involved in relationship which led to yet another suicide as a direct result of his relationship with his niece Geli Raubal. In 1928 Hitler had asked his half sister Angela Raubal to become his housekeeper, she agreed taking over the post and moved in along with her 20 year old daughter Geli. It was soon rumoured that Hitler and Geli were having an affair which turned out to be fact, despite attempts to hide the liasons. The relationship was volatile and Hitler was possessive of Geli who was 20 years his junior. Following an argument after Geli discovered that Hitler had been taking another young woman, Ewa Braun out in his car, Geli shot herself in the chest and died. The above are all considered as ''family'' of Hitler and could be interpreted as having his involvement in their deaths.

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Strictly speaking, he said that the kinds of powers he wants to give himself would be in order to create a unitary state dictatorship of which Hitler's Germany is a good example. So, while he technically did not say that he wants the same or similar powers to Hitler, he has claimed that the goal that he wants for his regime is for it to be similar in function to Hitler's.

What were the consequences of Hitler's death?

Once Hitler died then he did not order people to be killed anymore.