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Troy was on fire.

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Q: Why did Aeneas leave his wife at the fall of troy?
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Who did Aeneas live with in troy?

Aeneas first wife was Creusa - she burned to death during the fall of Troy. Aeneas managed to rescue his father Anchises from Troy, but Anchises died on the journey(in Sicily at Drepanum according to Vergil). Ascanius - Aeneis' son - reaches Italy with his father, where he becomes Iulus and will one day found Alba Longa.

When the play actors perform for the try out in front of Hamlet what story does the actor tell?

He tells the story of the fall of Troy, as told by Aeneas to Dido, queen of Carthage. Aeneas was a Trojan who escaped the fall of Troy, and he is telling about how the Greek soldier Pyrrhus killed the elderly Trojan king Priam in the presence of his wife Hecuba. The story is from Virgil's poem The Aeneid.

Who slays Aeneas' wife?

When the Greeks enter Troy (as a result of Ulysses' Wooden Horse trick) Aeneas at first attempts to organise a commando to repel the invaders. But Hector (now dead) appears to Aeneas in a vision. Hector tells Aeneas that Troy must fall, and that Aeneas' role is to escape with his family and found a 'new Troy' (Rome) in Italy. So Aeneas goes back to his mansion and collects his family (his father Anchises, his wife Creusa, and his son Ascanius). Aeneas then attempt to lead this small family group through the burning ruins of Troy to the beach (where they will later give the Greek armies the slip and sail away in twenty salvaged ships). But while walking through the burning town. Aeneas loses touch with Creusa - and she dies in the flames. Creusa later appears to Aeneas in a vision. She tells him to continue his quest to Italy where he will found a great empire.

What did the gods tell Aeneas to do?

The Greek gods told Aeneas to leave the battle with his family. While running away his wife was captured and killed by persueing soldiers

Who are the three people that leave with Aeneas?

Aeneas leaves his house with his wife Creusa, his son Ascanius, and his father Anchises. But Creusa gets separated in the fire and never makes it to the ships.At the beginning of Book VII we learn that Aeneas' childhood nurse Caieta has died, so she must also have formed part of the escape party.By the time Aeneas manages to set sail he has gathered quite a few survivors of the sack of Troy (twenty boats set out).If you need to name specifically three people who escape with Aeneas, then it is probably Ascanius, Anchises, and Caieta.

What happened to Agamemnon after the fall of troy?

Agamemnon , upon his return home from Troy , was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra's lover Aegisthus .

What sad vision appears to Aeneas?

In the Latin epic poem "The Aeneid" written by the Virgil, the Trojan hero Aeneas fights to return home after the city of Troy falls. On his escape out of the city, he sees a very tragic vision of his dead wife, Creusa.

Who was Aeneas's latin wife?


Did Aeneas have a second wife?


What Roman Heroes are famed for their self-sacrifice?

There are probably a few heroes who would fit this category. Part of Roman psychology included sacrificing self for the good of the state. I'll talk about one of the most famous, Aeneas (as told in the Aeneid by Virgil).Aeneas fled the fall of Troy in order to come to Italy and found Rome. His wife, Creusa, died during the escape. He sees her ghost, telling him he must not turn back and look for her (which is what he wants to do) but must give her up so that he can escape.Later, Aeneas is shipwrecked in Carthage and marries (sort of) Dido, the queen. However, he must leave Dido to go on to Italy. Again, he his sacrificing his wishes for the greater purpose of the founding of Rome.

Does Troy Polamalu have a wife?

Yes, he does. Troy's wife is named Theodora.

What is Creusa's parting message to Aeneas?

She predicts his journey to Hesperia, Italy and future marriage to another. She asks that Aeneas take care of their child and vanishes. Aeneas tries three times to hold her, each time failing to grasp her wraith.